> >> >>> Mutant Breaks Competition Remix #12.1 <<< << <
-More mutant Friends in mutating friendships
Renoises Second Most Unorganized Music Competition has born
* No rules!
* General rules:
* Remix one or more songs from MBC#12
= to get voted in the best of the remixes
* Track owners from MBC#12 must give their consent to remix their tune
* answer in this thread if you will share your track from MBC#12 for everybody to Remix
* Dont remix without permission!!!
* A bunch of more rules.
* Everybody from the forums can vote or participate as a late contestant; if you still make a tune for #MBC12 people can make remix of your tune.
* You can make as many remixes as you wish but you can vote only for top three
* If the artist shares an XRNS of the remix, their total votes are multiplied x 3
* Participants must post their track as a link in this thread.
* Compo starts 1st of August 2020 and ends 1st of September, when after the voting starts
* The top track is randomly selected among the 8 most voted remixes, during somekind of realtime online live stream radio broadcast
* You can remix either the xrns project file or remix chop hack slice n slash the final rendered audio file*
--- for example some tunes have lots of plugins/VSTs or U are on a different operating system than the song was written on, so it could be easier to just remix the wav/mp3 file
::: Extra points :::
* If a participant writes a mini-review for their top 3, then they get _ 1 bonus vote _.
* If a participant writes a mini-review for every remix in the compo, then they get _ 3 bonus votes _.
* If you make musicvideo for your remix; Your points will be doubled
* If you remix your own tune you wont get any extra points
= Though this is engouraged to polish or to take your tune into the next level from MBC#12
~ Anyhow if you share remix of your own tune enough early in this thread U will get extra attention
::: Prizes :::
* 1. 30€
* 2. 20€
* 3. 10€
winners will get their money prizes through paypal transaction provided by me