MBCR #13.1 remix compo

Here is the .xrns of the daed’s remix recomposition.
Too much tracks and untitled instruments, I know, I went totally “artist” with the tidiness.

Download link

1 item
daeds Division Nightmare - Woodpecking Mantis remix recomp.xrns

78.9 MB
Download available until 30 october


here’s my dumb little contribution to this thing

i was really taken with highway rehab going for something really chill and lo-fi (perfect to study to), and so i promptly decided to be uncreative and do some just totally apish acidy breakcore to it. i definitely got pretty loose with the concept of remix, i mostly just stole a bunch of samples from calm (and from all the other xrns files…) and kinda did my own thing–sorry! idk if it’s cheating but Synthesizer V features heavily on this. I wanted to do everything in renoise, but i also really wanted vocals and cannot sing to save my life.

also i’m in the middle of my “using art to sidestep social media policy against threatening journalists whose opinions i don’t care for” phase

xrns file here:



Good job friend

Nice one.I know what you mean ,remixing the tracks posted was an impossible task for me also so i did my thing

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ambient take on @TwoThreeZero 's track using prime number rhythm cycles

all renoise :slight_smile:


Where can I vote?

I think the compo is still open thru the end of the month. Voting thread in November, presumably :upside_down_face:

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Yeah, compo is extended till the end of the month

When is the specific deadline to release the renoise file?

you can upload your contribution until monday 31 october…
but I don’t know the specific hour and timezone…
that’s why I will upload all my sh1t on sunday 30 october :shushing_face: :wink:

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Reagae System - OddTempoJam (HeartBeatHero Remix) v4.xrns (987.3 KB)

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I updated my original post with the xrns project file

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Here is my entry. Have fun with it.
Based on @highway_rehab track.

Remix Title:
highway rehab - calm (sokoban stressed remix)

MP3 Audio:

MKV Video:

XRNS File:


I made a renoise compo soundcloud playlist. Tell me who I missed and I will add.


Think you missed mine, probably bc it was private. Set to public now :slight_smile:

Listen to •••sunnken eyes••• [sunnk •weak brace• zensphere mbc13.1 edit] by •zensphere• / slujr on #SoundCloud


I’m afraid you missed mine.


Thanks added!



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I hope that a bunch of deadliners are working hard to polish their tracks for tonight :robot:

That would be great, if so :slight_smile: