Middle-Clicking On Pattern Matrix Does Not Set Focus?

middle-clicking everywhere but on pattern matrix sets the focus to the clicked area, exactly as LALT+leftclick does.

however, probably because of middle-click action being set to another function in pattern matrix, middle-clicking a void area of the pattern matrix does not set the focus there, while LALT+leftclick does.

so: middle-clicking on pattern matrix void area should set the focus to pattern matrix, while middle-clicking on a “square” of the pattern matrix should mute the corresponding item

what would be a void area on a >10 pattern song playing somewhere in the middle? There is no room on my monitor above or below the matrix boxes. There is only room above the ‘pattern names’ expandable window, but strangely middle clicking there brings focus to the ‘pattern sequencer’.

Middle-clicking is used for slot muting in the matrix, so we can not use it for the focus.

I know the current way of setting focus in the matrix is not ideal, but it seems there simply is no way which makes everyone happy? Let’s discuss here please: matrix-blocks-dont-respond-to-keys-anymore

sorry, I thought you could treat the two events (clicking on a slot and clicking on a void place) separately

Sure, we could change this. But only setting the focus when clicking on something which does not cause a mute, is far to fuzzy to be usable IMHO.