Now that we can use plugins that output midi, what plugins would you recommended to check out?
I know of Cthulhu, BlueArp and Kirnu?
What else is worth a look?
Now that we can use plugins that output midi, what plugins would you recommended to check out?
I know of Cthulhu, BlueArp and Kirnu?
What else is worth a look?
would also love the option to route midi to vst fx btw ;-(
would also love the option to route midi to vst fx btw ;-(
For just chords, phrases + note scale in renoise are good enough
Some more results for midi plugs here;[]=i&tg[]=201&tg[]=1169&tg[]=3433&tg[]=4972&sh[]=s&ob[]=dan&lm[]=500
The latest beta (1.11 I think) of Cthulhu is working great in Renoise. Note it’s a VSTi, not a VST, has to be loaded in the plugin window of an instrument and you can send the MIDI output to another instrument from there. Have experimented a fair bit so far but still some tests to try, no problems with the newest beta of Cthulhu but 1.09 (last gold version) had some problems with hanging notes and some weird self-editing behaviour. Pretty sure that was Cthulhu’s problem, not Renoise’s. Also very nice in Renoise so far is something called Improvisator, also a VSTi, not an arp, just a pretty sophisticated chord sequencer device. Haven’t experiemtned with it as much yet.
Now that we can use plugins that output midi, what plugins would you recommended to check out?
Check out NORA
would also love the option to route midi to vst fx btw ;-(
Nice, plenty there to keep me busy
Also discovered Tonespace:
Improvisator looks tempting but pricey…
I wonder if numerology will work? It could be really cool in Renoise…
Improvisator looks tempting but pricey…
Frankly it is overpriced, but great for “sophisticated” chord progressions, best I’ve seen, does hard-core chord analysis stuff you don’t see elsewhere. Also I should mention that it hasn’t been updated for a few years now and I have a feeling the dev won’t continue with it. Tonespace does something similar but doesn’t have the deep theory stuff, fact is most people wouldn’t need it anyway. Only thing I’ve noticed with it so far in Renoise with Improvisator is the interface is kind of blinky when playing, think it’s the plugin (not Renoise), might try changing Renoise framerate or something to maybe clear that up. Doesn’t hamper use.
Most interesting MIDI plugins are from xoxos imo:
Circuit, Hyperion, Series, Skunk etc.
With Circuit you can do pretty weird sequences with mad rolls etc.
What i like is:
A chorder:
And what i also like are these:
CC step controler:
CC enevelope controller:
I’m about to try Cthulhu with renoise for the first time, will let you know how it goes!
^ thought I should mention, Cthulhu 1.09 had some issues, would get hanging notes and some weird self-editing behaviour. The newest beta release (1.11b I think, check Xfer forum) is like a rock in Renoise, no problems at all. It also has a better-looking interface (imo).
Edit: and actually, there’s another (free) option – arp!0, one of the Jesusonic plugs for ReaJS. ReaJS is part of the ReaPlugs suite from the REAPER guys and is awesome, works just fine in Renoise so far. Think there are some other arps and various chord tools on the REAPER “stash” site (and also a huge range of other FX, pretty much everything). The ReaPlugs are great, the major highlight (besides ReaJS) being ReaFIR, it’s bloody fantastic. JS scripting is a breeze to learn so you can edit and make your own FX that way and even turn them into VST and give them a full-blown GUI with something called Geep Jeez.
Yes robohymn, I agree with you…Improvisator dead time ago, still it´s the best plugin for chords, I use a lot, maybe has a tiny interface, and the player of chords would be better improved, but do you know why is dead… prepare… was bought by Hans Zimmer…all the rights of use it…
^ holy shit. That’s just f***ed up. I actually bought a license a few years ago, but I guess I should have just got a pirated copy if Zimmer’s not going to allow it to be updated for anyone but himself.
/feeling ripped off.
Yes robohymn, I agree with you…Improvisator dead time ago, still it´s the best plugin for chords, I use a lot, maybe has a tiny interface, and the player of chords would be better improved, but do you know why is dead… prepare… was bought by Hans Zimmer…all the rights of use it…
I triedImprovisator demo, but crashes for me. Seems it doesn’t like windows 10 and 64bit
Yes, Toimp… that´s the answer why some of us are using still windows XP !!! ( old but usefulllllll ! ).
Yes, Toimp… that´s the answer why some of us are using still windows XP !!! ( old but usefulllllll ! ).
Some great plugins and hosts from 2003-2008. Most haven’t been surpassed. XP is a must!
I wonder if numerology will work? It could be really cool in Renoise…
Got it a loooong time, since N2 I think.
Used it even before the ability in 3.1 with Midi Pipe for OSX.
EDIT: However I noticed that the CPU Hit is incredibly high (40% on a 6-core 3ghz Mac) when using N4 VSTi as soon as its midi output is routed to a track in renoise.
Just after it is routed, not before, which for sure isn’t normal.