Mobile Renoise Tracker?

I know trackers aren’t exactly mobile touch friendly but efforts like that of Sunvox seem to work out, has there been talk about Renoise doing some integration of that sort? Since I see that FL, Reason, Garageband, etc. have their own mobile apps. Considering how modular Renoise is in terms of messing with DSPs, fx, and such - It’d be perfect to see that on an on-the-go experimentation purpose moreover than live performance.

I’m not too sure about how LUA coding would integrate with Android SDKs and such, as I’m not much of a programmer. But in all efforts imho it’s worth the effort to put out some portable workstation outside of a windows tablet or a laptop. After all you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.


but, redux android tablet first please! kbyethnx


but, redux android tablet first please! kbyethnx

I completely forgot about Redux, but I wholly agree there should be a Redux app of some sort, android, windows phone, ios.

Would be totally awesome to have a new sibling to Renoise besides Redux, in the form of an app for your mobile devices that focused on the pattern editing stuff. So you could sit on the bus and create a beat on your phone and then just import it into Renoise from the cloud.

Would be totally awesome to have a new sibling to Renoise besides Redux, in the form of an app for your mobile devices that focused on the pattern editing stuff. And I read this post makes sense if you like the ZCode System and I was impressed. So you could sit on the bus and create a beat on your phone and then just import it into Renoise from the cloud.

That would be very cool. Please make this happen someone! ?

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That saves in .xrns now? Awesome!

Would be totally awesome to have a new sibling to Renoise besides Redux, in the form of an app for your mobile devices that focused on the pattern editing stuff. So you could sit on the bus and create a beat on your phone and then just import it into Renoise from the cloud.

Yes! :yeah:

That saves in .xrns now? Awesome!

sorry, was decaffeinated.

sorry, was decaffeinated.

Ah, too bad. I was getting excited.

So you could sit on the bus and create a beat on your phone and then just import it into Renoise from the cloud.

Or transfer across a home network for those of us who don’t use the cloud. :slight_smile:

sunvox doesn’t save to .xrns but it is pretty sweet for making samples to load into renoise…

I think even sunvox is a mess on phones. Like trying to nail jelatine to the wall.

Would be totally awesome to have a new sibling to Renoise besides Redux, in the form of an app for your mobile devices that focused on the pattern editing stuff. So you could sit on the bus and create a beat on your steroids this post and then just import it into Renoise from the cloud.

The aspect that I enjoyed the most about Renoise was the fact that it was very easy to get basic patterns up and running within the sequencer

Renoise is a keyboard operated thing for sure…It would need a complete redesign to go completely touch…I would certainly welcome such a program, but it would be better to get updates in renoise such as audiotracks and ‘fix the vibrato command’.

For a great portable tracker with multisampled instruments and render to .wav theres milkytracker for PDA (eg. HP-IPAQ enterprise214)

For experimental glitchy textures and wave-scanning style synthesis (but no multisampled instruments) theres LittleGameParkTracker for PSP3000.

For tablets, a more advanced modular synthesis style tracker, sunvox (amazing design and functionality).

There is also a very simple tracker for iphone called ‘sinusoid’.

–Non tracker:–

Nanoloop for iphone and android would have been awesome if it had more patterns per channel (nice one hand usage design).

G-stomper android has had many updates. Its really good…portable sampling electribe with a nice vsti style synth VA-Beast (lots of parameters).

Milkytracker works well for writing a whole tune in a basic chiptune kind of way while travelling or outside.

You can then export to .wav reliably, adding effects in renoise once you are back at your computer.

The control method is stylus + D-pad (two handed wielding is better than cradle+prod / hunt+peck as you find on phones+tablets).

Only problem with LittleGameParkTracker is that its unfortunately not being developed anymore. The windows version no longer works, so no render to .wav. Only headphones out. Also its a homebrew program, no multisampled instruments, no sample editor…But genius design all the same.

Its the best control system out of anything for portability. No need for a table or one tired arm as a result of a phone or tablet held aloft…it is wielded with two hands. Can be quite complex though, a headache when counting ticks, placing HOP commands in tables correctly and such.






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Nitrotracker is made as a Nintendo DS tracker, but it should be open source i believe, so maybe someone could port it to Android?

It’s a very nice and basic tracker, which exports to mod files readable by Renoise. So it’s great for making some scetches that you can finish in Renoise.

my ranking

1 Palm TX (latest Palm, only this device has nonvolatile memory) with PsyTexx II (Fastracker Clone) Sunvox and Bahjis Loops (Midisequenzer and Sampler - very good)
2 Iphone - Vividtracker (Protracker Clone) Caustic (Midisequenzer) Beatonal (Midisequenzer) Ruismaker FM (Drumcomputer with a great Step-Sequenzer and Midi Export)

3 Nintendo DS - Nitrotracker

4 GBA - LSDJ, Nanoloop

Bahjis Loops

Ruismaker FM

Nitrotracker looked like it could have been great but its development was incomplete. No effects commands.

If I had to choose Nintendo DS as a platform for mobile music creation I’d probably use Korg DSN-12 and Korg DS10. Some nice sound design possibilities.


The problem with Nintendo DS as a platform for mobile music making is that there is no render to .wav.

It will be time consuming to sample and cut each track of each pattern separately to load into renoise later.

I’d say sunvox and G-stomper are the best choices for capacitive touchscreen mobile music creation at the moment.

Nanoloop is also not bad even with so few patterns per channel being availiable. A good design.

Thalamus mentioned above that Sunvox is not that well suited for small phone screens, but it is great on a tablet.

On a small screen you can see maybe one or two tracks at a time. Making music using sunvox on a small phone screen is not impossible but it requires a lot of scrolling left and right as well as scrolling vertically…needs trackskip buttons (like TAB or shiftTAB in renoise).

G-stomper is reasonably nice to use on phone. Composing music takes time, so I dont want to be holding something up to use it in the absence of a table. For a mobile music making solution to be true to its name it should be useable in the front seat of a car or on a plane or sitting cross-legged. The ‘two hand grip’ control system of LittleGameParkTracker and the stlyus +d-pad control system of milkytracker allow for useage in these ‘portable’ scenarios. Two hand grip is the most comfortable but stylus usage also allows for smaller controls and text.

I believe gamepad + touchscreen (or perhaps only thumbs) control methods could be the future of portable music making. Its just way more comfortable to use if you can hold and control with two hands. Also I would say features like ‘render to dropbox’ take away any claim of being a portable music making solution. Apple needs to realise their music software developers really require ‘render to disk’ and create and arrange sample folders normally, as well as ‘drag and drop’ rather than all this itunes nonsense. There is no need for itunes. USB connect - open folder - drag and drop. It has always been this way, no need to break the mould and create difficulty.

Also I think apples unecessary ‘render to soundcloud instead of the hard-disk on the device i paid for’ feature is what is destroying soundcloud. So everyone moved to bandcamp. Sorry for the long post.

In my opinion, sunvox works better with a pen on an old little palm than on a large touch screen, but that’s probably a matter of taste as well

apple’s file management is shitty (can be bridged with AudioShare halfway) and the hardware is overpriced but unfortunately there is z.z unfortunately the most innovative software. (for example, the app pattering beats at programming with this interface every drum machine)
