Generally I think that addditional DSP effects are well covered by those millions of VST plugins out there. It’s already done guys !
I’d rather see that Renoise core functions like arranger/automation editor are improved or stuff like wave tracks are finally developed.
These functions can not easily be replaced by 3rd Party plugins.
On the other hand I like that Renoise has some basic DSP’s like filters and gainer on board. I really would miss them.
But definitely +1 for time stretch. This has a basic “flavor”.
And maybe I’d like to see more meta-devices
I was working on a sc3 comb filter AU component from this post:
yesterday afternoon, and I finally figured out how to get it sounding right after adjusting some things. (I was missing a variable declaration, and another thing)
We definitely need a comb type (or types) in the filter, like a Filter4. I can’t believe how awesome it can be made to sound.
Even though I really enjoy using them, I feel dirty when I use vst’s and AU because I know that my songs using them will not 100% work on other systems, including my own. Sometimes I want to share songs using vsts or au, and then I remember that it would complicate things if I did share them. As the same vst is never written to function the same as on other operating systems, which is rather retarded from a user stand point, but understandable from others.