Posting this for anyone with OSX and time, interested in making AU Plugins with a plethora of academically written code, for sound.
Please note the linux and windows versions of SC3 do not currently support VST or LADSPA or DSSI
For a couple weeks I was looking into this then 2 weeks ago I started trying to make one, I got stuck trying to figure out something probably rather simple, >>>how to wrap the Ugen MoogFF ‘Moog VCF implementation, designed by Federico Fontana’
and I haven’t gone back to it yet until just now.
This needs Xcode, namely Rez I believe, and of course SuperCollider 3 + Quarks with AudioUnitBuilder installed
if you download:
from this page:
after installation + optional installs, there is a readme.rtf with where to put the Quarks, and what to do:
1) To install for one user move the quarks directory to ~/Library/Application Support/SuperCollider. To install for all users, move the quarks directory to /Library/Application Support/SuperCollider.
type and run Quarks.gui (cmd+d) and it will bring the installer listing. Also, someone wrote to only install the Quarks you intend on using, as the Quarks may possibly complicate each other.
This doesn’t really work yet:
( var name, func, specs, componentType, componentSubtype, builder;
name = "Moog_Vcf-007"; // name of your plugin
func = {
|freq, gain, reset|
var filterout, in;
in =[1])); //Input from AU host
filterout =, freq, gain, reset);,;//Output to AU host
specs = #[
[0, 100, \Linear, 50, \Generic], //in
[0, 100, \Linear, 50, \Generic], //freq
[8, 1000, \Linear, 0.5, \Hertz], //gain
[2, 0.0, \Linear, 0.0, \Boolean], //reset
componentType = \aufx;
componentSubtype = \FLTE;
builder =, componentSubtype, func, specs, componentType);
if you have Quarks setup right, you can run this code, and it will make the AU component, it will also be recognized by Renoise, if everything goes right.
Also, Be. Careful.
All of this, especially SC3 can get very extraordinarily break your equipment loud,
if not careful.
So be careful.
output looks like this after proper compile:
Created ~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Moog_Vcf-007.component
an AudioUnitBuilder
During the compile, scsynth with all the sc classes being called and such is wrapped.
From what I can tell with the above code I do not have the input/output setup correctly and the parameters are well goofed up.
There is a huge amount of these Ugens like 250+, on top of those, even more can be used for Control, like envelope types, triggers, counters, gates, lags, decays.
With this component once I get it working right, I want to mess it all up to make a plugin described here: a meta-lfo device array paired with a filter array scheme that spreads syncable control envelopes onto more syncable control envelopes onto the filter’s variables.
So I can do truly nutty stuff from the pattern commands, without a huge dsp chain in the dsp lane.