Has someone noticed how equal Madtrackers RC5 and Renoise Pattern Sequencer are now ?
Must be a compliment to our new sequencer. Only the good stuff replicates itself
Should not be a start of a flame: Every software copies other stuff that seems to be good, as we did from FT2 and other trackers. I was just suprised, as I havnt seen MT`s new sequencer before.
Havent tried MadTracker at all and i’ve suprisingly not tried the lastest version, i will now tho since u say it replicates the “renoise” feel, and by that it must be good
I had the same thoughts … but as you said … " Every software copies other stuff that seems to be good" … and it’s no new invention … OctaMed had it etc.
the list of great features can be long: there are more ideas invented years ago from different trackers and there are still a lot of things missing in 3rd gen. trackers like Renoise too …
in my opinion it’s a good situation that there are now (in this years) new trackers compete with each other. maybe this creates something like a development enthusiasm … with all this possibilities of 32bit pc’s so much more is possible than in old amiga days
but maybe your “new” ideas for your tracker are only inspired by other music apps too - parameter automation is not your invention for instance … but it’s not important …
sometimes i wish all the current developers had more experience with amiga trackers … different visual and functional concepts were made first time on this platform. octamed ss is the best example …
on a side note, I would not use “quid pro quo” for this: the most appropriate latin phrase is “do ut des” (I give this to you, so that you will give another thing in return to me).
The original latin common phrase from which “quid pro quo” cames is actually “qui pro quo”, which in most latin countries (France, Italy and Spain at least) refers to a misunderstanding about something which was erroneously considered as being another thing.
That’s why, I think, Yannick did not get you immediately.
I checked out MT2 RC5, for about 20 seconds. I’m a registered user even. I can’t bring myself to using it anymore though. The interface and the OS are no longer tolerable for me.
These are the same kind of reasons that kept me on FT2 for many years, so…
SoundNewb> Owh, sorry, didn’t knew i could only do this in the "Registered version… btw, can some1 sneak-dcc me a registered copy of Mt 2.5?
BadBoy>Is a crack enough?
SoundNewb> SUre Thanx bro!
I don’t want to start a discussion about the sense of a chat within a audio-app but I think there are other more important useful and handy non-audio-features that could be implemented (file manager with ftp for instance …)
if devs starting to implement entertainment features into an audio app, so totally far away from creating music, I can’t take this software seriously… and I don’t want to pay for features I will never use …
as Yannick already said on other posts, the aim of putting an IRC built-in chat into his tracker is to let newbies get help more quickly an easily, not just for fun (though, of course, fun is another use for it).
well, the idea is of course open to question; I jsut wanted to mention the real idea behind MT2 chat
Well… If there is one thing i reaeaeaeally reaeaeally miss in Renoise that is not copied from FT2… would be a good recomposition of the Nibbles game.
But Alexander made a point, it should also be available in the free demo of Renoise.
Just tried out latest MT2, and was impressed!
I don’t see what the fuzz about the IRC-client is all about, MT is a lot more community based than RNS in both my and Yannicks opinion (had a small chat with him in there), thus opening up for more small fun projects like OHC etc.
All in all, I think these to softs exist together in a MUCH greater harmony than say Skale/RNS. I can picture myself working with both trackers on different projects, AND be registered on both sides.
I just tried it also and I have to say I’m impressed aswell. MT2 has not been an option before because it didn’t support VST/i, but now it does and it works very well… Groove Agent work as well, wich does unfortunately not work for me in Renoise1.5, so when I want to use that plug I can use MT2… Will try to make some songs with MT2 and see wich advantages it has over Renosie so I can choose the right tracker for the right track If I find it usefull I’ll register as soon as possible… I’ll keep on using renoise aswell though so do not worry…
Well, MadTracker doesn’t have a Macintosh port. If Mac users are anything it’s dedicated, so no matter what, I’m sure that Renoise will have a talented and probably permanent user base (seeing as no other tracker developers seem to think that building for the Mac is important - and don’t even mentioned PlayerPRO).
I agree with Conner. I’m so tired of windows! When I track, I like a fullscreen independant interface and design. (like when i started with ScreamTracker)
Now as far as MadTracker2 RC5 - Except for the ‘Windows look’ (which should be fixed in MT3), I think madtracker is dope as hell. It has one advantage over Renoise:
Community * - Mt2 has a great community, even I have entered two MT compos. I would pit the community of Madtracker users (and their music…talent…ect) against Reason and Fruity Loops users. I can’t say that for Renoise YET, because the community isn’t there YET.
I hope it can build to that point for Renoise (since I love RNS, and I am registered), so I think Yannick’s Madtracker program (community wise) is where Renoise will hope to be one day.