MuTaNT•BReaKS••••#14 🙀

It’s getting a little bit confusing now. If I would have made the rules I would have said bonus points for native sound design only. No “bought”, “strange” or “rendered” samples, no VSTs.

According to the rules it’s even only 2 points. :wink:

Personally I don’t care about these points. It’s impossible to get it if you’re not a native sound designer anyway. Besides of that it’s way cooler getting points because your song rocks. I don’t care how you did it as long as it’s your own stuff and your own composition without “cheating”. The result is what matters.

But another question comes to mind:
Are there bonus points for the xrns even if it wouldn’t run properly for everybody because of VST usage?
According to the rules it must be a yes, have a look:

Submitting the xrns doesn’t mean it also has to run properly, right?!
I could submit the xrns, but I’m sure it won’t run properly for the most of you. I’m not only using VST instruments, I’m also using VST effect devices. Even the mix and master wouldn’t sound right if you don’t have these VSTs.

Btw, my contribution is almost finished, I’ve found some time the last 2 evenings. 4:30 minutes of Catektro music. It just needs to be polished now. It was fun to create for sure. It’s just a fun track anyway. The polishment will begin after christmas. :grin:


No worries, I don’t care about the extra points, just thought the rules could use some clarity. The Pigments samples in question are tiny (attack + .5s loop), with a long native effects chain. I trust the renoise community to decide if it counts.


Hey there! Already working with some cute little kitty meow samples, trying to use them for sound design.

And don’t be so strict on the rules for no VSTs. If one uses the instrument render feature, then I’d say it is fine, if the song uses no external plugins it’s legit. I sometimes capture a VST instrument, and then add further modulation to the sample-based instrument that is resulting. But maybe you can still think about giving penalty for using pre-rendered loops or having whole plugin tracks rendered in the released XRNS.

@TNT Ah, yes. 2 points, not 3 for all native sound design, mea culpa :upside_down_face:

100% agreed!

Yes! As long as you submit an xrns, those extra points will be awarded, regardless of whether it will run on someone else’s setup. people use VSTs. this is normal.

looking forward to hearing some Catelektro :zap: :cat2: :zap:

@highway_rehab That sounds legit to me :upside_down_face: The idea being that the sound is really coming from renoise in all its glory

yeah, definitely no rendered VST stems for the native devices bonus. It’s kind of a grey area, but the idea for those extra points is that people are using renoise itself as a synth. If the modulation/sound shaping in renoise is significant, then I think it counts. But if the preset itself is doing the heavy lifting, then I think that kind of defeats the purpose of offering those extra points in the first place.

Again, good music should be the goal. How you get there is very much secondary

looking forward to hearing more tracks as they come good! :heart_eyes_cat:

I should start something, lol

Ah hey everybody o/

Going to say thanks to the fantastic community here and to
everyone who collaborated, provided excellent feedback, and
direction; your suggestions helped alot

I’ve tried to implement at least some of every tip everyone provided.

Swapped the Bass Guitar for a Sub Bass
Tried doing some less fadey-inny-outy transitions
Added some variation to the drums
Added some melodic elements
Added more cats!
And more…

Please check out the module:

Jek_MinHouseCat_02.xrns (1002.0 KB)

There is a streaming non-module version here:

So… hey, hope everyone has a happy holiday weekend and enjoys the end of the year celebrations = )


5 weeks of procrastination left!


Anyone who has a cat to spare? I need cat. Must haz kætz. :black_cat:


Made this disgusting thing today. Everything is synthesized from cat samples (except my growling). Won’t finish it, unless someone wants to collaborate


I need cat sounds too, anyone got leftovers?

Oh, you mean digital cat, you can find that here: Freesound - sound search
I need analogue cat, for inspiration…and cuddles. :stuck_out_tongue:


I took mine from one of those here:


My cat refuses to cooperate. I just got the tiniest snippet of him purring. The rest of the cat sounds I scored from various places previously mentioned as well as sampled from random cat videos on youtube.

Everyone needs a hardware cat:

They sound awesome though aren’t exactly comfortable to cuddle, but to each their own. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Unfortunately the Behringer prices have gone up a bit this year, otherwise I might have picked up one for this project.


Tell him you don’t want him to cooperate, then he should immediately start to cooperate :rofl:


Hello dear Renoise users!!
I was’t active on forum sorry for that. Anyway I would like to drop something from me for this competition.
I’m tracker user since i don’t remember :smiley: I have used cat samples provided by @slujr (thank you!!)
Track is less than 2 minutes I hope you will enjoy it.
Best regards to all of you.

And there is a project (Renoise ver. 3.4.2):


This CAT instrument has a HUGE SOUND !!
I’m quite lucky because i we own original one in our studio.


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pretty sure it’s already perfect :wink:

I like the idea of synthesizing all sounds from cat samples. might have to do that for my entry :heart_eyes_cat:

gotta finish the track I’m working on first, then on to cat stuff!

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This kitty just can’t seem to stay out of trouble:

Happy new year everyone!


You have my vote already,unbelievable track!!!Happy new year


Here’s what I did; I did it all tonight for the most part.

I tried uploading the xrns file which is 33,427 KB
but got the message.

Sorry, that file is too big (maximum size is 4 MB). Why not upload your large file to a cloud sharing service, then paste the link?"

I can try later if anyone is interested.

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Nice!!! Did you use it in your Cat Electro Hip-Hop?

Your track has a nice laid-back vibe to it. Not sure if the angry/scared cat snarls work well with that relaxed music for me on an emotional level. But they are integrated nicely. Well done!

Good stuff, I like what you did with the cat samples. I don’t have time to collaborate with you on this, but I’d love for you to finish it. It’s got cool sounds and a bit humor. I feel it also deserves a bit more development and a proper ending.

You keep on surprising me. It’s a different sound than what I associate with your profile picture. Musically it feels closer to what I think of as your music. It’s an excellent track. Loads of development and a real sense of moving forward, which is what I like very much. Don’t know if it’s intentional or if I’m projecting but what I am hearing with the tremolo around 2 minutes in sounds like the musical equivalent of a cat purring. And before that somewhere there was another musical sound that reminded of my cat when he is comfortably meowing an yawning at the same time. Good stuff!

@Floss_Daily To me your entry feels like a good, solid layer to build a track around. But to me it doesn’t feel like a finished piece yet. Maybe that’s different for you? But I feel it grow a bit more and probably would come alive with either some atmospheric layer and/or some percussion. Or a longer melody on top of it. Right now it’s just a bit too barren, for my tastes anyway. But I do really appreciate how fun it sounds. So good job on that!

That’s so great to hear! Taking feedback well and incorporating it by trying new things is such a valuable skill. And one of the best ways that I know of to grow, not just as an artist but also as a human being.

I think your tracks is improved quite a bit indeed. And I like that there are more cats in it. I feel the that heart beat bass might be a bit too loud, though.

I was writing another round of my perspective on your track, with you being so open to feedback and all. But instead, let me ask you, how do you feel about the current state of your track? What are it’s strong points, what do you think can be improved still? How do you feels it holds up to the music that influenced you on this?