MuTaNT•BReaKS••••#14 🙀

oh, this is great :+1:

catelektro should be a legit genre :zap: :cat2: :zap:

here’s my xrns for anyone who wants to peep it: MBC 14 power of the p*ssy

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Haha this is fantastic. Instant head nod and grrat melodies, but also ultra playful. Love the squelchy bass, plus the vinyl scratch sounding cat samples. Whole thing just sounds FUN (which is in the spirit of this whole thing). Thanks for sharing the xrns!!!


Thanks guys! :+1:

I’ve forgot some informations about the song:
Cat samples taken from pixabay. The 911 call was taken from a Youtube video, and indeed it’s a real emergency call. I just cutted something out to keep the spirit. The quality of these samples is quite poor, but I could improve the sound by adjusting the samples itself and by using more than enough track devices to tame noise and loudness. Gullfoss is pretty cool for that kind of stuff, but Gullfoss alone wouldn’t do the job.

Including a life lesson: Don’t mess with the cat! :wink:

Yeah, that was the idea from the very beginning. This is how I imagine a cat theme song. :slightly_smiling_face:

Catektro! :grin:
You can do Catektro as well. Let’s spread the genre.

Haha, nice! Yes, this is a fun track for sure. Of course I share the xrns, on one hand I want to get bonus points if I don’t get any for my VST instruments made from scratch, and on the other hand I want everybody being able to see how the song was made. But as I said somewhere above, it’s only playable if you got the VSTs, otherwise it will sound wrong.

I see, this explains a lot. You just used a fun plugin for a fun track. :slightly_smiling_face:


mutant.xrns (1.5 MB)

hello here is a piece created for the MuTaNT BReak 14 competition, I used samples delivered with RENOISE an arturia VST analog lab as well as a sample of cat
thank you for your attention
do not hesitate for your comments
see you


As usual, I’m putting together the Soundcloud playlist for the official Renoise account. If you want to be included on that then make sure you’ve uploaded your track to Soundcloud and posted it in this thread.


A few days left… Still time for submissions!
:cat2: :cat2: :cat2:

there’s so much time left for speed-composers…
…they can still chill out all this week-end, easy :joy_cat:

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Hi @Achenar Soundcloud link below, thanks!

Jek_MinHouseCat_02.xrns (1002.0 KB)


yay! fun!
started this on jan 27th

Samples are from one of my cats, Cobra. His brother, Pickles, is in there too, but he’s quieter. and the jingle ball that Cobra loves to play fetch with. He also chases his tail in circles and thinks he’s a dog in general when he’s not trying to climb up my leg for pets. even then, I am fairly certain that he is unaware that he is a cat. Pickles is a black void, and has more important things to do, however. I always find him collecting sticks. I think he is trying to build something, but I do not know what. He is strange.

had to use dropbox for the .xrns file because i accidentally used ridiculously high sample rates without thinking about it.

(edit : re-uploaded because first upload was too quiet)


fantastic :fire::fire::fire: :heart_eyes_cat:

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Hi again thread!

@t35513r and @lilith thanks for the feedback a few weeks ago, sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Much appreciated though!

They are the T8Vs, actually. Mine are quite noisy, not sure why but I don’t mind too much. Otherwise I find them very nice and pleasant.

@sokoban. That’s quite the little tune. I’m not sure if I like it but there is definitely something catchy about it. So I keep on listening to it, over and over again. Suppose it reminds me of a whining cat. That’s not necessarily a good thing but like with the animal, I put up with it cause cats are fun and so is your tune. Big plus points in my book for your vocals! Thank you!

@Garf Nice strong sound design, which is totally inline with what I’ve come to expect from you. And also in terms of the composition and arrangement you’ve brought the good stuff. The melody that comes in around the minute mark is nice. And I appreciated how the cat’s purr is an integral part of the track. Well done!!

@slujr Wow, that’s good & fun stuff! It does get a bit repetitive for me towards the end. Would have loved to have seen it develop a bit more. That it would have either said something new musically or just sounded bigger (musically) in the 2nd half. That’s of course my personal preference. The sound design effects are fantastic though. But that’s not really surprising coming from you. Good stuff and big, big point for singing!! Nicely done indeed!

@highway_rehab That has a nicely mellow vibe in terms of sound design. I like the melody. I do feel the production is a bit too muddy. I realize that you’re going for a laid back, chilled vibe but I feel it could have been a bit sharper, a bit tighter sounding. Which is easier said than done, I know. But it’s a lovely little tune otherwise. Thank you.

@elias That’s a bright and cheerful tune! I dig it! It sounds good and strong. I like that there is a sense of direction to your tune. And I really appreciate how you’ve used the meows as voices. Good stuff!!

@TNT Oh I remember that news story about the people calling 911 and locking themselves in a bedroom to hide from their aggressive cat.

Good tune! I like the mood you’ve created. It sounds rather sad and mournful at times. And angry / edgy at other times. Fitting with the theme expressed in the voice sample. As always from you, a strong and solid production. Well done indeed!

You definitely delivered on that front. :+1:
Your main instrument sounds very cat indeed! How did you achieve that?

@olivier That’s a bit of a strange track to me. There is definitely something to it. It has a weird, ghostly mood that I like a lot. I don’t know if it’s intentional but the drums at the start are very loud compared to the pad. But it gives it a strange vibe. Not bad at all. Overall I feel the track is perhaps a little bit dry. Maybe it could use a bit more reverb and maybe a little bit of work on the balancing to get it to the next level. But if as it stands it’s nice and strange. The reversed cat meow(?) certainly adds to that mood. Nicely done!

@_kara that’s big, bright and violent, nice! I like the sound design and how you’ve made the cats part of the composition. It’s a good tune as well. I like it. Excellent stuff!


I’m late to the Renoise party, is it okay to submit by 23:59 Pacific Time?

You have till Feb 1… specifically 11:59:59pm on 2/1/23 in whatever time zone you happen to find yourself, to quote the rules.

So you need to submit it before it’s the 2nd of February in your time zone. That means at 23:59 at the latest, indeed.


Ahh I did not read that properly, thanks!

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reminds me of early vsnares


Hi everyone! :vulcan_salute: :alien:
Here’s my contribution:

And here’s the XRNS:

I used exclusively native devices throughout, from sound design to mixing. I did take a peek at span and some oscilloscopes here and there, but no sound was processed using anything else than native stuff. As sound sources I used only resources that are either readily freely availeable on the internet, or that I have recorded myself. So nothing else was used in the making of this but what you get with Renoise and can legally find for free if you google a bit. The track has couple parts that rely on generative stuff (random sample selections etc), so I rendered the track out a few times and spliced the final outcome together in Reaper. Thats the only thing I did outside Renoise.

There’s a variety of cat sounds in there, mostly purring. One bass instrument and two risers were made entirely from purring sounds. Original cat sounds were taken from various CC0 contributions on freesound.

I made this basically during last two weeks, as I didn’t have much time to put in during Christmas and new years happenings. I was planning to sing some harmonies for a bit more elaborate and composed intro, but ran out of time. Can still hear some things I’d like to finetune, but I’ll leave it as it is for now. Maybe I’ll later fix some minor things and try to master it properly when I got some distance to it.

Kudos to @slujr for putting this together again! Highly appreciated! :sparkling_heart: :raised_hands: :sparkling_heart:
I’m going to listen trough all the submissions in the following days, looking forward to it!
Renoise forever! :drummer:


Fantastic! Thank you so much for providing the xrns. Browsing through it now, looks like I should have been paying more attention to phrases :stuck_out_tongue:

Stellar track, love that you were able to incorporate sounds from your actual feline friends!

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Honestly m8, this is my favorite so far. Your workflow must be next level, can’t believe it only took you two weeks to make this. Not only is it impressive, but just a lovely, lovely tune. 100% amazeballs love love love this.

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Renoise is used to select the Soundcloud playlist order too.


Thanks a lot for the xrns! Great study material

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