Mutant Breaks [lucky] #13

Wow! That is awesome SZ. :exploding_head:

I’m going to try to use this. Thanks for the insights!

Ok thats cool but i dont think thats what i was looking for,im trying to find a formula for inputting lpb changes in the pattern editor while never breaking the ‘master length’ of a pattern if that makes sense.Cool trick though!

Maybe a better way of saying it is im looking to input multiple lpb changes in a pattern but have it so it plays exactly the same as a pattern of one particular lpb.

Mind blowing song and xrns !!

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Okay I’ve listened to everything, here are my votes:

1. Comfortably Awkward - Freestyle Ramen
2. Hamatabe Sound - ZTTK
3. soundbike - transience 118

It’s hard to decide, I might have to revise this after some further listening!

I’m not quite sure I’m following. Inputting multiple ZLxx commands the and figuring out how to keep the absolute time it takes to complete the pattern same? I don’t know if there a simplified universally applicable formula for that. Halving the LPB essentially halves the playback speed of the pattern and doubling the LPB doubles the playback speed. I haven’t really bothered too much with ZLxx stuff. The problem you are going to run up against is that you cannot input decimal points into LPBs, so compensating for anything more complicated than some multiple of either doubling or halving is going need some elaborate thinking of how to go about it. My guess is that (without compensating with BPM and/or TPL changes) some LPB changes would be simply unusable if your going for the absolutely same length of the pattern in time. Prove me wrong though, I haven’t looked too deep into it.

And anyway, we should probably make another thread for this in the “Tips and tricks” section. We don’t want to clutter the official MBC 13 thread with too much technical stuff.


Yeah you have it there.You know what I’m saying

Well, it’s funny, more than once I’ve considered changing my artist name to xenosphere…

@slujr works for me, too, so no worries

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TL:DR: See below.

I’ve listened to everyone’s tracks multiple times. So many good choices here and especially picking a number 3 is HARD for me. Truly, I could make a top 5 out of my top 3 candidates. So I went for the one that gave me the biggest smile.

#3 Kara Kusa: MB13 - Timeless Rotten Orange

Rough and violent but in a cute way. Like an angry rodent jumping and down biting on your leg but not really hurting you. To me this track has a sense of humor. And I like how it subtly speeds up and escalates towards the end.

#2 SimulatedXen - Clockdrifter

I’m impressed by this track on many levels. The music itself, but also way it was made. The level of detail is staggering. Looking at the xrns was eye opening and inspiring. @SimulatedZen I want to buy an ep or album with more of your stuff. Where can I do that?

#1 Benefit of The Boomerang - Organic Mechanism

This track just resonates with me. When I hear it coming on I feel like a light gets turned on in my brain. And everything gets bathed in a soft glow of warm light. I’ve heard it more than 20 times already and it hasn’t lost any of its potency for me yet. And looking at the xrns file also yielded me some new ideas on what I can do inside of Renoise.

My top 3:
#1 Benefit of The Boomerang - Organic Mechanism
#2 SimulatedXen - Clockdrifter
#3 Kara Kusa: MB13 - Timeless Rotten Orange

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I’m putting together the Soundcloud playlist for the official Renoise account. If you want to be included on that then please upload your track to Soundcloud and post it in here. This affects the following people:

@PrinzNika - You seem to have this set to private or something? It can’t be used atm.


@Achenar Here’s my post in Soundcloud format:

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My votes for this event are as follows. My criteria are based on sound-design/engineering and abstract pattern work.

#1 •zensphere• / SLVJR: time paradox
#2 JTPE: BEA5menator
#3 sunnk: mbc xiii

With a runner-up: SimulatedXen: Clockdrifter

Excellent work to all who participated, with some very unique adjustments to creating odd-time metered pieces and varied soundscapes!


Good job everyone, it’s getting harder and harder to select the best these days.

  1. Highway rehab - Calm
    Lovely sounds for a cold windy day, now I just need a hot drink.

  2. SimulatedXen - Clockdrifter
    Sounds like a crazy sci-fi experiment to me, you must have rendered a lot of sounds to make this work I suppose.

  3. Achenar - No Mercy For Tyrants
    The only thing I’m missing is if it had some dystopian voice in a quiet breakdown part in the middle. Very fitting title.


Here’s my .xrns song file. I had to render down the Brass instrument.

After careful listening, here’s my top 3:

#1 sunnk - MBC xiii
Your sounddesign and mixing is absolutely on point. The way you contrast distant sound with the sounds on the forefront is extremely well executed. Nice use of foley stuff too. And I really liked the way you sort of build up the groove in the beginning. Overall an impressive piece, great work!

#2 daed - Division nightmare
Some proper breaks with decent acid and melodic elements, good stuff! Mixing on point and the sound choices are good. I like it a lot, well done!

#3 D Fast - Another dimension
Beautiful piece! Very nice chords, ostinatos and sound choices. Some of the bassy hits with the chord/bass note changes are nothing short of euphoric. Good call on bringing the drums in too, sort of ties it all together. I was left hoping for a bit longer ending, maybe even a cheesy upwards modulation combined with some new arpeggio pattern would’ve worked there for me. This would definitely work on a chillout dance floor! Extremely enjoyable piece! Great work!


I have an EP in the pipelines, not much stuff out there yet. I’ll be sure to post here on the forums when it’s coming out. :wink:


In no particular order.

  1. Achenar - No Mercy for Tyrants
  2. SimulatedXen - Clockdrifter
  3. sunnk - mbc Xiii

tough choices…I narrowed it down to 7 or 8 and these are the ones I’m going with

  1. Calm - Highway Rehab - like being a passenger in a car with my head against the window dozing as the sun comes up. Laid back electric keys with a sweet drum groove and bassline. Super chill.

  2. Ettin - Mutant - A really good track on headphones, it just resonated with me.

  3. Cluster Bounce - Renegade 69’ - I loved the loudness and rawness of this track. I turned the volume all the way up on this one.

close runner-up - slugwife - Minimum Wage Search Engine - I loved the storytelling of a robot having a crappy day.

There wasn’t really a track on the playlist that I didn’t like, so picking only three was tough. If you ask me on a different day I might have three different picks but today these three resonated with me the most. Fantastic tracks all around.


Great work y’all, tons of interesting music here. Here’s my top3:

1. SimulatedXen - Clockdrifter
Beautiful! Interesting bits and pieces put together into an adventure.

2. highway rehab - Calm
This gave me some heavy demoscene vibes and I’m a fan of such. Great little flier with pleasant chords and progressions.

3. BENEFIT OF THE BOOMERANG - Organic Mechanism
Awesome sound design by Jordy, pressuring yet calm.


#1 Woodpecking Mantis - Temporal Lobe Profanation
#2 Daed - Division Nightmare
#3 Neuro… No Neuro - Empathy not Compassio

All songs is good. It’s too difficult to choose 3 songs.
This choosing is Today’s feeling.
If I will choose songs Tomorrow, probably It will change.


My votes would be

Sunnk - mbc xiii
I loved the sounddesign, the “pop” vocals, the use of pauses and the changes of mood throughout the track.
To me, this track is what modern IDM sounds like.

SimulatedXen - Clockdrifter
I liked this track just for the sheer technicality of it. The sound design is impeccable and the attention to detail extraordinaire! Well done SimulatedXen.

Highway rehab - Calm
This track sounds like a warm place. I like the harmonies the simplicity and the lo-fi aesthetics of it.

Good job everyone, I feel happy to be a part of such a talented bunch!
