New Tool (2.7 & 2.8): Slices To Pattern

Thanks for the hack dblue but a more long term feature needs to be designed i would say
Some way to store patterns and pattern variations is obviously needed (Something i have asked for a long time ago and even did a little hack job myself to get it going)

This is a cool stop gap, but the feature definitely deserves a thorough think through.

It is useful to have libraries of patterns and sliced instruments that you can then swap and change as you like.

Fun is fun.

Thank you :D

This really helps with learning how trackers work. This would have saved alot of head scratching if this was in from day one.

Again, thank you very much for this.

PS Having a loop pool would be cool for storeing loop variations.

ey Dblue,

for a future update please consider adding an option to add note-offs whenever an event is automatically placed into an extra column. This to prevent a stray event from continuously looping (have the note-off at the same place a next event starts in the ‘main’ column?).

haha i thought ‘SICK’ when i read it …

see next replies :)

minds alike!


this is such a wonderful script!!! thank you!! :)

Great job dblue. This is something i’ve had in mind since i saw the first slicer implementation… Wonderful !

I love this tool!! Many thanks.

Thank you for creating this. Here’s to hoping this’ll eventually be a native Renoise feature.

really really really nice

this should be build into renoise native with pool posibilities and slice replacement possibilities… maybe even mis-use it to make groove templates from it and save that shit ;) :dribble:

Yeah, would love to see this become a built-in feature. And how about a randomize button to swap slices and perhaps a way to lock specific notes (or available lines of the pattern) that won’t get affected when randomize is used.

you can use Randomize Notes script with Shuffle mode

this is amazing shit!

but some kind of not very friendly, cuz Renoise yet lacks of saving/editing sliced samples.

When you create slices you are creating them as part of the instrument, not as part of the sample, so you should save the instrument instead. Problem solved. (Unless I have misunderstood you?)

Think he refers to this: Render Slices To Instrument

Thanks, exactly it is. )

lol, this is the best tool

dblue for president!

I’m using this tool a lot and one thing is missing IMO - quantize :P I often get delays like FF or 03 and them truly suck.

Those delays can be a pain to work with, but if that’s how it’s sliced then that’s what you’ll get :)

But I’m adding some quantise options in the next update anyway, plus a few other handy things.