New Tool (2.8, 3.0): Renoise Freesound Integration

what OS do you use? Also, did you select download directory for samples and do you have permission to write into it.

I use Windows XP service pack 3.

It’s strange all my folders seem to be stuck on “Read-Only” flag, I might have a new virus or something. Doing an in-depth scan now. I can still save and delete files from within the folders though so not sure if this read-only issue could be the cause?

im not sure how ntfs permissions works, but ill check at home at win7 if plugin work corectly, also with readolny flag for directory.

Awesome tool.

However, can download but not preview. When previewing a cmd window quickly flickers and then nothing.
All users have full permission to the specified download folder.
Tried with VLC, Winamp and WMP.
Win 7. Renoise 64 bit.

on windows, you can just try living preview application path empty, in that case renoise will use default application for previewing file.

Ok thanks.

It’s 62% through the virus scan and quite a few threats found. It could be a permissions issue caused by a virus or a recent windows update as I was on Windows XP service pack 2 for years, until recently upgrading to service pack 3 about a week ago.

Thanks a lot. It works. However, the sound will be played in my firefox browser (which would never happen if I open a sound file on my computer), and I would really like it to open in one of my media players.

Whatever program I choose from my program folder (e.g. ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe’), cmd.exe produces this error message:

´C:\Program´ was not recognized as an internal or external command, a program or a batch file  

Translated from Danish so the English message might be a bit different.

Maybe because it can’t deal with spaces (the path begins with C:\Program Files (x86).…)?

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

hmmm - i didnt knew that renoise will use cmd.exe for calling external program.
Ive got fix suggestion from coworker, ill put patch when i return to home.

Use double and single quotes, whichever of the two you use first to mark the start of the string and the other to use as literal string character that is being parsed, the order of quotes doesn’t matter regarding which you use first, but ofcourse the hierarchy of enclosure does count!

" 'C:\Program Files (x86).…’ "

Well I cleaned all the viruses and still getting the same problems with downloading files!

@vV: exactly ;)
@Drop Shadow: can you test version from this post, ive fixed calling client defined program (i hope it also work in mac that way, because it does in linux)
@Shah: something is weird as at my computer everything seems to be working fine… does this happens with every directory you choose? Maybe you have some special chars in pathname or sth

Thanks for looking into it.

Unfortunately, I get the same error message when the executable is located in a path with spaces (e.g. “Program Files”).
If I put the player file somewhere without spaces (e.g. C:\VLC\vlc.exe), I get another message. Translated from Danish:

The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.  

Hope it helps.

It seems to be happening on any directory I choose, without any special chars in pathname. For example I just tried C:\Downloads, this is the standard download directory which comes preconfigured in Windows XP. I still get virtually the same error message each time, the only thing that changes is the tmpfile number.

“Cannot Move File or Folder: Cannot move Renoise Tmpfile-0-125: The filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect”

kk, ill try check it again at home. I dont think its something big, it just need some more tests on windows.
At least we came to same error on your and Dead Shadow computer - so thats a good start.
Ill post update later.

Really awesome tool! I’ll be using this a bunch. Thanks!

Can’t it to test the sample though however. If I set it to open with VLC it doesn’t do anything. If I leave it blank it opens up my internet browser which is annoying. At this point it’s easier to just download it to test and see if I want to use it.

Still though, really awesome!

ok thanks, i hope we can get it to work on this machine, it’s a great idea in principle.

Hi, liked it, thanks! Need search history. Internal player will be great. Sorry if that was already mentioned.

ok, ive done some tests on windows and i have vlc working on my computer.

Version atached should work fine with vlc under windows - if someone with problem could confirm it ill merge it with normal version.
I also added Executableparams option in settings.xml (no gui yet) for aditional parameters to run windows software, didnt test it thou, ive only checked if vlc launch sample fine.

Can’t install/drag and drop it in Renoise. When I try the cursor becomes a stop sign. Looking forward to try it.

Opened the file as a zip. The files were located inside a folder. Moved them to the root. Now it works. Installable version attached.

And yes, vlc works (and it almost works with Winamp)!

An error. I search for “drum”. Click next a few times (or maybe just one time), I get this:

main.lua:170: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)  
stack traceback:  
 main.lua:170: in function 'success'  
 ...ise 2.8.1\Scripts\Libraries\renoise\http\request.lua:1289: in function '_do_callback'  
 ...ise 2.8.1\Scripts\Libraries\renoise\http\request.lua:925: in function '_read_content'  
 ...ise 2.8.1\Scripts\Libraries\renoise\http\request.lua:121: in function <...ise><br>```

When previewing a file, the tool will leave a grey Renoise dialog containing the command executed ([Player location] + [file location]). Would be nice if every new preview would close the previous dialog. You have to close quite a lot of them when playing lots of sounds.<br>
Also, as default maybe the file should be played in an open instance of vlc if one such exists. But I guess you can already make it behave like that if you master the Executableparams option in settings.xml.</...ise>