New Tool (2.8, 3.1): MorphSynth

Just had a lot of fun playing with this trying to build a sensible synth, great tool!

I had a thought about this and padsynth: I think it would be nice to add a field in the tool gui to name

the synth, so that it will become [MorphSynth:MySynthName] in the instrument box. Then it is easy

to know that the synth is a MorphSynth (or PadSynth).

Does that make sense?

I think it would be nice to add a field in the tool gui to name the synth

You can already rename the instrument directly in Renoise, it won’t be overwritten if you change it.

I know it would be convenient to include a name field in the tool UI, but I try to avoid duplication of Renoise features, to keep things contained. The only reason you can set some sample properties in the interface is because it’s cumbersome to set manually for multisamples, especially after each sample generation.

Beside, the tools already rely on Renoise interface for other basic functions, such as filter, modulation and envelopes, so it makes sense this way, imho.

I’m glad you enjoy the tools!

You can already rename the instrument directly in Renoise, it won’t be overwritten if you change it.

Yes, fair enough, I just thought that it would be useful to maintain the [MorphSynth] prefix in the instrument box,

but I can justr write that myself of course :slight_smile:

Btw. It is utmost cool that PadSynth and MorphSynth do not interfere with each other!

Now for making some delicious instruments :yeah:

Hi guys!!

As a previous user ask before, can someone, maybe the tool creator, make a tutorial or a way to show how MorphSynth really works?

I would really like to know how to do the famous deep house bass!

I would really appreciate that!


I’ll see what I can do, but I’m not really good at giving explanations in english. Also note that the tool is in an unfinished/experimental state, and making specific sounds might require some workaround.

Wow. A very good one. Successfully recreated the old classic Reese bass with it. Sounds nearly perfect as the original. Did try with all my VST before, but the bass created with this tool sounds way better than all my VST’s i tried.
Thanks For this great tool.

Maybe one little suggestion: an option to save/load the settings as presets would be nice.