New Tool (2.8) Duplex: Grid Pie

I have been tinkering with a couple of new features in Grid Pie, “running start” and “keep the beat”.
While I was at it, I discovered a bug in the polyrhythmic pattern-length computation, which got fixed too

So, what is running start? It’s simply a way to provide a smooth transition into Grid Pie’d mode -
Here’s how it works:

  1. Load a song and when you hear something you’d like to remix, you just…
  2. Enable Grid Pie - “running start” will make Grid Pie import the current pattern (the playing pattern, if the sequencer is running).
  3. Mess around with the song, have some fun :slight_smile:
  4. Disable Grid Pie - the sequencer will resume playback from where you left.

“Keep the beat” is a bit harder to describe, but it essentially makes playback more solid, as you switch between/combine patterns of different lengths.
This should make Grid Pie an even more performance-friendly tool :slight_smile:

Download here