The idea is that it will analyse the currently selected Track-in-Pattern and give you a basic form of Roman_numeral_analysis . Inversions are not supported as this tool only analyses one track at a time so if you are analysing a rhythm/ pad instrument (likely the best use for this tool), you are missing the bass track anyway unless you have it doubled.
Also minor is treated as one key including harmonic/melodic and natural scales.
You also have the option to export the analysis of a whole track to a txt file. This is best viewed in something such as Wordpad as there is formatting present in the file. You can of course then print it out/ modify it as you please. i.e. Can be for use as a chord sheet at a piano/ guitar etc.
Text Example:
Things to note about the print-outs:
[] Square brackets indicate that the chord is not part of the current selected key . e.g. it contains a chromatic alteration.
– double dash indicates the repeat of a chord
? question mark means the chord is unrecognised currently
V Uppercase means a major chord
v Lowercase means a minor chord
Update 0.58
–fixed a bug when no range was chosen to export, now gives a status message
Update 0.57
– Renoise Shortcut is now “Print My Chords”
– Menu Entry in tools menu “Print My Chords”
– Export selection from sequencer now added. Instead of exporting the whole track in the song you can now expert the selected track over the renoise sequencer range. – now exits on new song load