New Tool (2.8) - Resynth 4

you are a troll.
ReSynth is not a native synth. ReSynth is a 3rd party scripted tool for generating sounds. i would thank you for not misguidedly thinking that something coded by non-developers can in any way match what apple logic or ableton live have natively as synths.

this is awesome, as it is indeed one of renoise’s strengths… but to be honest I would not go so far in the resynth tool’s window, as it will still not have the even more advanced feature of setting sustain point and loop points…
is the version on the first post still the latest?

thanks btw mxb :D resynth user since v2 and learned a lot from your scripting!

Yes, ReSynth, like nearly all my other tools, started out as an experiment. It has grown into a ‘synth-like’ interface to the Renoise instrument format. It can sound extremely nice, or extremely poor, depending on how to ‘program’ it.

@Vietkong: I would be interested into what you think should be real-time? Most of the controls can be changed in real-time (although I am aware of there being no midi-maps still in version 4). The most common parameters to modify in real-time is filter cutoff, and this can easily be done with a filter DSP on the sequencer track.

Thanks for the kind words, yes the 1st post still contains the latest version. There are ways to solve the UI of the issues (select a T,V point for the sustain, loop start and loop end), but I just have had no time at all recently to even open Renoise.

Damn, you mistook me for a troll anyways…

Well, I, like many other people who use DAW’s in general like to tweak synth knobs in real time, it’s not always easily predictable what sound one would get by setting some parameters to a certain position. I mean in synths in general things like PW, OSC shapes, Detune, Filter, ADSR.
Look, I know that you do a great job for everyone making a native synth, and it’s cool that here in Renoise community people create tools and share them with everyone, not like in other commercial DAW’s where you have to pay for each worthless plugin. So thanks a lot to you and all others who create those tools.
So if I understood corretly how this tools works, it creates a waveform based on the knob settings in the synth, and you have to generate another one if you want to hear changes you’ve made upon those knobs. I think it’s a real slow way to create sounds…
But again, thanks for the tool!

seriously, have you not even used the tool?! “if i understand correctly” my left mitten!! start the tool up, open the GUI, tweak the knobs, play a sound. tweak the knobs, play another sound. tweak the knobs, play another sound. everytime you stop moving the knobs, the sound is recalculated. you cannot automate these knobs, you cannot draw automation curves to say "i want to lift Pitch of osc1 from -24 to +24, which seems to be what YOU are demanding.

let me try and make it crystal clear for you: this is a 3rd party script, not a native tool. native means “comes with Renoise vanilla version (fresh install)”. Native means it’s developed by the renoise development team, OR accepted into the Renoise fresh install version as a must-have tool. then it becomes native.

bloody helll…

Big apologies there… I mistook Resynth for an AwesomeSawce or PadSynth maybe. Sorry about the fuss. Now let me just hide under that stone and wait till everybody forgets about that…

We should run a collection of xrni’s that peeps have made with ReSynth so we can have a pack of “presets” for people to play with when they install ReSynth for the first time.

I think it’d be handy.

Some scripters do a real good job making their tools look bloody native, i think we should change the GUI to make it look more like kiddy stuff so it is clear it is not vanilla material

Sorry for the noob question but can someone tell me what the parameters are exactly for the FM operators?

Nevermind. After messing with it for 30 minutes, I finally just the question, and 10 seconds later discover you can just hover over them to see what they are.

Is there a recent version to have 4 3.0?

Is this Tools also for Renoise 3?

I was really hoping this would work for Renoise 3. Nope.

Anyone know the status of this? Is there something that has replaced it?