New Tool (3.0): CDP lua tool

Thanks. Now I get:

“CDP Release 7 2014
Insufficient parameters on command line.”

Do you get this for every process you try or just the fft based definitions (example blur, new morph), what process gives this message in the terminal?

There are still a lot of faulty parameter ranges that need to be ironed out, sometimes a parameter setting can also rely on another parameter value.


Isloate gives

ERROR: Failed to parse input file 0”

This isn’t ‘peakchop - isolate’, but just ‘isolate’ in the exe filter right? In the beta version I have, not released in this thread yet, isolate is commented / left out of the definitions because it outputs multiple files which isn’t supported. So for now forget about the different isolate modes.

Filterbank1 Harmonic gives:

ERROR: Can’t open file 5000 to read data.”

That one works here, but probably between cdp 0.5 & 0.6 the definition for this one was fixed?

If you have enabled the scripting terminal in Renoise, you can check for yourself in the definition file, it should be like this;

dsp["Filter Bank 1 - Harmonic"] = {
  cmds = { exe = "filter", mode = "bank 1", channels = "any", tip = "The harmonic series is formed by multiplying a given frequency by an ascending series of integers: 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. The harmonic relationships produced are sonorous, but depart from the structure of triadic chords higher in the series. This Mode builds this type of harmonic relationship onto lofrq, which may be the actual pitch of a pitched tone or any arbitrary pitch. Because this is being done with a filter process, other sonic material is cleaned away, so a cleaner (and possibly quieter) sound may result, with more complex noise elements removed. Quite a bit of gain may be required – values of 40 or 50+ in this situation will not be unusual. Set hifrq as high as possible less too few harmonics are produced. This clean sound may provide a good input for spectral time-stretching, for example, to achieve a well-tuned sound with a minimum of artefacts." },
  arg1 = { name = "Input", input = "wav", tip = "Select the input sound to the process" },
  arg2 = { name = "Output", output = "wav", tip = "Select the output sound to the process" },
  arg3 = { name = "Q", min = 0.001, max = 10000, input = "brk", tip = "Sets the Q of the effect" },
  arg4 = { name = "Gain", min = 0.001, max = 10000, def = 2.5, },
  arg5 = { name = "LoFrq", min = 10, max = srate/3, },
  arg6 = { name = "HiFrq", min = 10, max = srate/3, },
  arg7 = { name = "Scatter", switch = "-s", min = 0, max = 1, tip = "Random scatter of frequencies" },
  arg8 = { name = "Double", switch = "-d", },

Note that you have to set lofrq & hifrq otherwise there are too few filters to work with, also probably a lower value for Q.

While others again list the man page for the program.

I don’t get what you mean with man page for the program? Does something like ‘distort - distort reform - convert to sinus…’ work? If not, what does the terminal put out?

I don’t get what you mean with man page for the program? Does something like ‘distort - distort reform - convert to sinus…’ work? If not, what does the terminal put out?

By man page I mean the usage text that is printed in the console when you call a program without any paramaters or with a wrong syntax. For Instance for combine cross:

CDP Release 7 2014
combine cross infile infile2 outfile [-iinterp]
-i INTERP is degree of replacement.
interp may vary over time.

‘distort - distort reform - convert to sinusoid’ gives me:

CDP Release 7 2014
Insufficient parameters on command line.

I’ll have a look into your scripting tips now, but I’m new to that so it will take longer than two seconds. :slight_smile:


The definition looks identical. I tried Filter Bank with parameters set as you suggested. Still get errors.

ERROR: Can't open file 800.00042 to read data.

‘distort - distort reform - convert to sinusoid’ gives me:

CDP Release 7 2014
Insufficient parameters on command line.

I’ll have a look into your scripting tips now, but I’m new to that so it will take longer than two seconds. :slight_smile:

Probably this isn\t a faulty definition by the looks of the terminal notice above, but something else. Can’t remember if there are any more specifics for windows 7, but 9 out of 10 times errors occur because so called variables need to be set in windows control panel.

Quoted from the first post in this thread;

The usual cause of this error message is that the environment variable CDP_SOUND_EXT has not been defined (to wav). This can be done via Control Panel->System Settings->Advanced->Environment Variables.

We are in the process of preparing an update release (all platforms) where this variable is internally preset to wav by default, so that setting it explicitly will be optional. We will of course announce the update here, as well as on the CDP download page.

I think setting this fixes your problem.


I see;

I just upgraded to v0.5, and I too get the “An output file was not produced - Check your settings” message.
My settings:

  • WIndows 7
  • Exe path is set to C:\VSTPlugins\CDP_cdp
  • System environment variables has CDP_SOUND_EXT set to “wav”

You need to remove the " " capsulating “wav”!

Yes, CDP_SOUND_EXT is set without the quotes, of course. :slight_smile:


Trying a reboot, let’s see if that old trick works.

Could this also be a user permission thing, you need to set some authority setting in windows? Probably better ask on the cdp forums about this;

Btw, where have you installed CDP, I think you need to install it in the top level of your harddrive, an address like;


Not put it in program files and/or additional folders.

OK, stupid me. I had reinstalled the new version of CDP but got the folder mixed up with the old version of CDP.

Apologies for wasting everybody’s time.

^^ Glad thats all sorted, thanks Djeroek and emre_k…


Here is the latest version 0.61

Changes since the last version are:

  • Much improved handling of stereo samples - It all works much faster now and process undo’s are also faster
  • Built in text editor for processes that require a text file input (like Blur weave)
  • Processes that require an input sample in a ‘.frq’ format can now use the instrument selector, the conversion happens in the background
  • A load more process definitions added/fixed thanks to Djeroek :drummer:

Can’t think of anything else but I forget to keep a changelog… probably a few bugs fixed too.

Enjoy :slight_smile:

Just FYI - I changed the range for “velocity” in the modify brassage commands, modes 2, 6, and 7 - right now it is set from 0-1 which time stretches only. I changed it to 0-2 to allow for time compression. This may want to be adjusted for future updates. As a side note, is there no way for a manual value to override the range? As in, perhaps the range could be “suggested”? The worst that could happen if the user inputs a value out of the true range is it will spit back an error message. This would save having to go and update definitions.lua every time. Just a thought.

Thanks urbster, I will update the definitions for the next release.

Being able to override ranges is a good idea but would take a fair bit of a rewrite to do it properly so would be quite low on the list of priorities right now. I would however say that a fair bit of time has been spent already fixing ranges so I would hope the majority of definitions are correct.

Still, if you find errors or make fixes just post them here or PM me. Cheers

Hello All,

I’m struggling with that…

I have a macbook pro, in yosemite and Renoise 3.0.1

I take a random sample, and launch the tool and select for example the blur effect and i obtain this error message:

ERROR: Cannot open output file /var/folders/q6/l_7v_1_s7n94smp2d5bt43qm0000gn/T/Renoise-0-2275/Renoise_TmpFile-0-5.ana
ERROR: Can’t open file /var/folders/q6/l_7v_1_s7n94smp2d5bt43qm0000gn/T/Renoise-0-2275/Renoise_TmpFile-0-5.ana to read data.
ERROR: Can’t open file /var/folders/q6/l_7v_1_s7n94smp2d5bt43qm0000gn/T/Renoise-0-2275/Renoise_TmpFile-0-7.ana to read data.

Do you have a solution for that?

Many thanks !

Hey Skvenga! That usually appears to be about this:

The usual cause of this error message is that the environment variable CDP_SOUND_EXT has not been defined (to wav

To fix it on Mac you need to follow the steps in manualconfig.pdf which can be downloaded from here (Mac Documentation):

It might still fail after that but that is the crucial step. After doing this you may need to restart and/or reinstall the tool.

Hope this helps!

I’m trying to get blur working in linux but I’m having trouble. The terminal gives me this no matter what settings I use, the /tmp/ directory is there and there are other files in there so I don’t now it can’t open output file:


Do other (none fft) processes work, something like ‘distort interpolate’ or something?

There is this post on the cdp forums with a similar error notice as the screenshot above I think;

But yeah, looks hardcore :slight_smile: . Maybe you can make a post on the cdp forums and ask for a solution. I’ve seen an updated pvoc.exe been posted somehwere there, maybe if you overwrite your current pvoc.exe with it, it solves the need to set a variable for it?

I thought I had already replied but apparently not :huh:

Quite a few of the other processes do work, such as the distort interpolate, but it seems anything that does something with the analysis files fails. I posted on the forum there are got a reply asking

it sounds almost like you might be having issues running the spectral processes, which expect and produce .ana extension (Analysis) files rather than normal sound files.

Does the ReNoise tool use PVOC to automatically convert your sound file (.wav or .aif) into an analysis (.ana) file?

Do you know the answer to this? I have no idea.

edit: looks like the answer is yes:

-- PVOC Conversions
local function wav_to_ana(input_path, pvoc)
 local output_path = os.tmpname("ana")
 -- Construct argument string
 local pvoc_arg_string = create_arg_string(pvoc.argument)
 pvoc_arg_string = " "..input_path.." "..output_path..pvoc_arg_string
 -- Run pvoc anal
 local cmd_output = os.tmpname('txt')
 os.execute(pvoc.anal_command..pvoc_arg_string.." > "..cmd_output)
 print("WAV to ANA - Output path = "..output_path)
 return output_path
local function ana_to_wav(input_path, pvoc)
 local output_path = os.tmpname("wav")
 local pvoc_arg_string = " "..input_path.." "..output_path
 -- Run pvoc synth
 local cmd_output = os.tmpname('txt')
 os.execute(pvoc.synth_command..pvoc_arg_string.." > "..cmd_output)
 print("ANA to WAV - Output path = "..output_path)
 return output_path

Are you on windows Meef?

Check the first page of this thread (or any page as this seems to be the re-occurring hiccup, having to set the environment variable (CDP_SOUND_EXT) to wav in the preferences)).

The usual cause of this error message is that the environment variable CDP_SOUND_EXT has not been defined (to wav). This can be done via Control Panel->System Settings->Advanced->Environment Variables.

We are in the process of preparing an update release (all platforms) where this variable is internally preset to wav by default, so that setting it explicitly will be optional. We will of course announce the update here, as well as on the CDP download page.

@Meef, as you have figured the PVOC conversion is happening behind the scenes. The external variable setting seems to be the biggest culprit with these issues.

A general rule if you are troubleshooting is to try the CDP commands in the command terminal. If they work there then they should work in the tool, at a basic level the tool is simply sending commands to the terminal, picking up the generated files and loading them back into Renoise.

Thanks for the help, I managed to figure it out from the mention of the variable. I had created the conf file that it suggests for macs but all I had to do was to add ‘CDP_SOUND_EXT=wav’ to my .zshenv and now it’s all working.

Guys im terribly sorry if this is out there in the thread somewhere, but im a novice Renoiser and in one of the tutorials i watched Emre_k uses CDP. I tried to get it to work and make it sound as awesome as the examples but i only get this:


Hey Sonny. Not sure what that particular error is but pretty much everyone runs into this “environment variable” problem. Perhaps this could help (on Windows):

The usual cause of this error message is that the environment variable CDP_SOUND_EXT has not been defined (to wav). This can be done via Control Panel->System Settings->Advanced->Environment Variables.

If you are on Mac:

To fix it on Mac you need to follow the steps in manualconfig.pdf which can be downloaded from here (Mac Documentation):

You might need to reinstall the tool and/or restart your computer after that.