Nice one on the url addition, unfortunately I have no time at the moment to add these in for all definitions. A future rainy Sunday can surely be sacrificed
Maybe something smarter can be done in that regard, automatically parsing through the definition file looking at each second word in title, for example; "dsp["Envel Warp - Expand the envelope of a soundfile “]”, then automagiacally searching the docs htmls for #WARP at the end of the link?( ) and auto-inserting the url portion into the definition file?
Anyway quickly looked into possibly new additions, but seems like no new goodies from 7.0 to 7.1, I did find some previously missed stuff, from which hover looks interesting to create noisy stuff, add these to the definition file and press execute to save;
dsp["Sfecho Echo - Repeat a sound with timing and level adjustments between repeats"] = {
cmds = { exe = "sfecho", mode = "echo", url = "", tip = "CDP's EXTEND LOOP enables you to step through a soundfile while adding each step-segment to an output soundfile. It does not allow you to specify an endtime beyond the end of the input sound (it cuts off). EXTEND REPETITIONS enables you to repeat a whole soundfile, whether overlapping or with a gap between repetitions: i.e., the time of repetition is beyond the end of the input sound. This new ECHO function complements these two features by placing the repeats after the end of the input soundfile." },
arg1 = { name = "Input", input = "wav", tip = "Select the input sound to the process" },
arg2 = { name = "Output", output = "wav", tip = "Select the output sound to the process" },
arg3 = { name = "delay", min = length/1000, max = 3600, input = "brk", def = length/1000 + 1, tip = "time in seconds between echo repeats (Range: greater than the length of insndfile to 3600 sec. [one hour]; thus delay cannot be less than the input duration)" },
arg4 = { name = "attenuation", min = 0, max = 1, input = "brk", def = 0.2, tip = "relative (diminishing) level of each repeat (Range: 0 to 1)" },
arg5 = { name = "totaldur", min = 0, max = 3600, def = 10 , tip = "maximum output duration (actual duration may be less); it must be a minimum of 2 x delay." },
arg6 = { name = "-r", switch = "-r", min = 0, max = 1, input = "brk", tip = "randomisation of echo times (Range: 0 to 1)" },
arg7 = { name = "-c", switch = "-c", min = 0, max = -96, def = 0, tip = "dB level at which decaying echoes cut off (Range: 0 to -96dB, Default: -96dB, i.e., silence)" },
dsp["Hover - Move through a file, zig-zag reading it at a given frequency"] = {
cmds = { exe = "hover", mode = "hover", url = "", tip = "HOVER is a variant of ZIGZAG, but instead of jumping about in the file, it hovers around a given time-point (loc), reading forwards and backwards from this point at a given speed, which also determines the width of the reading. Note that the location point is time-variable, so the pointer can move through the file over time or indeed move to any time-point you wish. You can also randomly vary the frequency and the location point. Musical Applications: HOVER gives considerable scope for prolonging a sound, by reading the file in a controlled zig-zag fashion. It might be used for extending short-lived percussive sounds of an inharmonic timbre; producing a series of ebb-and-flow shapes (each like BAKTOBAK); or prolonging a highly textured sound which is difficult to loop. A number of different HOVERings of the same sound mixed together should also produce an interesting texture out of the one source." },
arg1 = { name = "Input", input = "wav", tip = "Select the input sound to the process" },
arg2 = { name = "Output", output = "wav", tip = "Select the output sound to the process" },
arg3 = { name = "frq", min = 0, max = 44100, input = "brk", def = length/1000 + 1, tip = "rate of reading source-samples (in Hz)." },
arg4 = { name = "loc", min = 0, max = length/1000, input = "brk", def = 0.2, tip = "time in infile from which samples are read." },
arg5 = { name = "frqrand", min = 0, max = 1, input = "brk", tip = "degree of random variation of frequency (range 0-1)" },
arg6 = { name = "locrand", min = 0, max = 1, input = "brk", tip = "degree of random variation of location (range 0-1)." },
arg7 = { name = "splice", min = 0, max = 100, def = 5, tip = "length of the splice (range: 0-100 milliseconds). splice length must be less than 1 over twice the maximum frq used, e.g. <5 ms for 100 Hz." },
arg8 = { name = "dur", min = 0, max = length/1000 + 60, input = "brk", tip = "total output duration." },
dsp["Brktopi - Convert a breakpoint pitch data file to a binary pitch data file"] = {
cmds = { exe = "brktopi", mode = "brktopi", url = "", tip = "BRKTOPI converts a breakpoint pitch data file (text) to a binary pitch data file (.for). The function is the opposite of REPITCH PCHTOTEXT. Musical applications: While a great variety of manipulation is possible with binary pitch data files (.for), there is unlimited scope for altering the pitch data in breakpoint (text) form. As only binary pitch data can be converted into sound (via MAKE), this function provides the necessary conversion to the binary format. You need to be aware, however, that altering pitch data is not altering the formant data with which it will be combined in MAKE. The pitches you specify will sound only to the extent of the level that their equivalent frequencies (fundamental and harmonics) have in the formant file." },
arg1 = { name = "intextpitchfile", input = "data", tip = "breakpoint pitch data file (.txt, .brk or .pch) extracted by REPITCH GETPITCH or created / manipulated as text" },
arg2 = { name = "outbinarypitchfile", output = "for", tip = "binary pitch data file (.for)" },