New tool (3.0): Place Sample

In response to this tool request

Place Sample

Assign the selected sample in Sampler view to a midi note just by pressing the desired note on on your midi controller or QWERTY keyboard.

Right-click on a sample in the samples list and choose “Place Sample”, or set a shortcut using “Sample Keyzones:Tools:Place Sample”.

The place sample dialog has shortcuts to set the base, low, and high note mappings. Type the numbered shortcut to set that mapping. To quickly set the base note, type 1 to activate the base note mapping, and then input a note using your midi controller or the QWERTY keyboard.

View the code on GitHub

5947 com.patmaddox.PlaceSample_V0.5.xrnx

Whoa, awesome. Works great, Pat, thanks a lot!!

Would it be possible to map notes using a MIDI keyb too? Often when I’m designing sounds for a game I find useful mapping recently created sounds to the pads of my mpk mini to listen how they go along… and these pads are set to different arbitrary notes on each bank, so finding them in the qwerty keyboard takes some time :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks again!

Check out v0.5


Would it be possible to have the MIDI keyboard entry respect the renoise keyboard offset value, as computer keyboard entry does?