New Tool (3.1): SliceMate

I didn’t mean to say anything about the how well the slices align relative to the basenote (including a delayed note). Yes, it is perfect.

But when creating new slices, the new note will never feature a delay command. Notes created by SliceMate are always “on the grid”, by design.

It does produce delay commands when clicking Slice at Cursor when playing the song live (which is good!). My idea was that you could manually enter a delay value on a line after the basenote and then, when slicing at cursor on that line, the delay value (of the note on that second line!) would be factored in. The delay value would not be erased when slicing, then.

Alternatively, you could achieve the same if it was possible to insert sliced notes from within the sample editor.

Anyway, I discovered that I can largely get the result I want with dblue’s Slices to Pattern tool. So you can disregard my request.

Thank you for the tool - and your kind response.