I can get the buttons to show up as “renoise/trigger/note_on (4 arguments)” and “… note_off (3 arguments)” when trying out some rules. But somehow the MIDI mappings dialog doesn’t recognize the incoming MIDI messages coming from the button grid.
Ah, right - now I get it. This is down to how the internal OSC client works. It basically accepts two flavors of MIDI
- Routed MIDI, with the ability to trigger on a specific track & instrument.
- Raw MIDI being passed as if it came from outside Renoise.
xRules tries to be clever and always pass notes to the corresponding track and instrument, while anything else is treated as raw MIDI. And apparently, the notes are not MIDI mappable while the raw MIDI is. So that would explain your problem.
Good thing is, if you are looking to map the notes somewhere you probably don’t care about the track and instrument info.
So perhaps the “output_message” could simply be expanded with an extra option - let’s see if we can squeeze this into the next update
It seems to only start the issues after trying to add a port_name condition
Thanks, that’s useful information