New Tool (3.4.3) Advanced Step Composer v1.0 build 105

Advanced Step Composer. Description

Advanced Step Composer or A.S.C. is a stepper note injector, with an acidic sequencer approach. It is a big evolution of the Acid Step Sequencer tool. Choose a number of steps between 2 and 32. You can manipulate the notes and all their related values. Use the Master Step (“M” switch) for manipulation in selective groups or each step individually. You will be able to import, edit and delete data. Experiment with your notes quickly from a advanced sequencer panel. Use the power of randomization to get more creative in no time. This tool will add hours of fun building your patterns!

Main features

  • Up to 32 steps.
  • Line jump (click inside the “Step X” name).
  • Marker (with green lighting).
  • Individual editing of each step.
  • Master step for group editing (red step).
  • Ability to auto-adjust the “number of lines of the pattern” from the LNS Value of the Master Step (press [CTRL + Click] from increase or decrease the LNS Value).
  • Direct control of: note, instrument index, volume, panning, delay, sfx parameter and sfx amount values.
  • Manipulation the number of lines for the steps.
  • Manipulation of the note-off for the steps.
  • Four selection modes: all, odd, even or custom (with 32-step panel with various selection modes).
  • Selective transposition of notes.
  • Randomization of values (all), with range capacity and number of steps.
  • Injection of the effect and quantity in lower empty lines.
  • Selective cleaning.
  • Slider bars with “set to 0” (double click).
  • Data import/load.
  • Safe! It need Renoise “edit mode” enabled to edit.
  • Work with Profiles!

Keyboard Commands

  • [SPACE] Restart/stop song.
  • [ALT SPACE] Continue/stop song.
  • [CTRL Z] undo.
  • [CTRL Y] redo.
  • [CTRL SHIFT A] close window.
  • *[CTRL SHIFT A] open window (Assignable: Preferences/Keys:Global/Tools/Acid Step Sequencer)


  • Renoise: Tools/ ~Advanced Step Composer…


The GUI is constructed so that the tool appears as integrated as possible with Renoise.

How to use it?

“A step” is defined by the triggering of a single note. The note occupies one line, and it can have more lines below to lengthen its duration. A.S.C. is capable of injecting a specific number of notes with a specific distribution by steps. Choose a specific number of steps, insert the notes and then manipulate all their values ​​from the tool, through each step panel. You can view between 2 and 32 equal panels. Master one, and you will master them all.
It is important to know how to control the Master Step (red panel), by pressing the “M” switch. Master Step allows you to selectively manipulate all the parameters together. Choose from All, Odd, Even or Custom for step selection.

The tool can work back and forth. That is, manipulate the data from the tool, or import data from the Renoise pattern (the selected note column). The “Import data” button allows you to readjust the tool to already written notes (only note lines and their associated note-offs).

Furthermore, A.S.C. allows specific manipulation of the effect parameters and their amounts. You can inject the values ​​down, leaving the pattern ready for a more granular edit later.

The highlight is the selective randomization panel. This allows the user to be much more creative when he is not able to be. Use the randomization of any parameter to increase your inspiration shots. A.S.C. will help you find that step-sequenced note pattern that you never would have thought of!


The Advanced Step Composer tool has been built based on the Acid Step Sequencer tool, being an evolution of it, between April and November 2020, and has been launched in December 2021.

Due to other projects I have not had time to develop a profile package for direct upload. If any user is willing to create folders with a multitude of profiles, they can send me them to add them in a possible next version.

Direct profile loading allows you to switch “on the fly” between hundreds of note step profiles, which can be sorted by folders according to musical style.

This tool is free. You can take the LUA code and manipulate it, as long as you mention the original authorship!
Enjoy it!

Advanced Step Composer. Download

Advanced Step Composer. Update History

Go to Renoise:Help: ~Find Tool Updates… & check it!
v1.0.105 (December 2021)

  • First release.

Looks cool and is very snappy and responsive. Just a few comments…

When clicking the up arrows on LNS and OFF the value goes down, I’d expect it to go up?

When right clicking on a note arrow I’d expect it to go up an octave, I guess the API only allows increments of 10?

Doesn’t it make more sense to name Profiles for Patterns?

How about create a wizard for it? I’d like to quickly create an arpeggio with random values so imagine a wizard asking you to type a string of notes and click checkboxes whether you want Volume, Panning etc. randomized, click OK and it auto-generates the amount of steps from inputted notes with randomized values that you can then fine tune using the step editor you have now.

No. These values are the number of lines of the note that will go below. So when you go up, you are bringing the bottom note (or note-Off) to the reference note. It sounds strange at first, but it makes sense if you look at the pattern editor while modifying the values.

Fortunately, this can already be changed with the latest API revision. But when I created this tool it was still not possible. Maybe I will check it out for a future version.

Sorry I haven’t been able to create a proper profile pack yet. The name is not very important. Yes, being able to classify them in some way according to their use. Each user can rename their profiles as they want.

You can do it the other way around. You can create the steps first and then randomize the values you want with the range “From/To”.

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yeah but that’s what I want avoid :sweat_smile: it would just be quite convenient to get started quickly by typing in a string of notes instead of having to go through each step to set the notes.

You can insert up to 32 steps directly. Then you can randomize any group value (note, volume, pan …) in one step. You can change it in the panel or even insert it directly if the edit mode is activated. You can use the “Master Step” to make group adjustments. “The wizard” is already integrated on the panel. If you don’t want to insert volume values, you can put them all in “-” from the Master Step. It is a matter of learning how to use it.

The main problem with this tool is that it does not have a finished profile library (in fact there are the test profiles right now, which I should delete at some point). In fact, that’s why it took me a long time to publish this tool.

With a good profile library, you wouldn’t need an assistant. You would have hundreds of note columns to insert directly just by turning the wheel of the mouse.

Raul. Is there a manual? I cannot figure out to make it work.

I have not had time to build a manual for this tool. Sorry!
But it is quite easy. First activate the edit mode in Renoise (red frame in the pattern editor). Then you manipulates the controls of the ASC. You will see that something is happening. It should be a bit intuitive…

I just started playing with this extension.
Good job. I just miss one thing. and that is that note insertion does not follow the scale setting on the instrument or that you cannot use your own.

This tool looks amazing. One thing is bothering me and I don’t know how to fix it. For example, I want to use ASC to do an 8 step sequence. When I open ASC and tell it to do eight steps, it lines up like this:
step 1 - 00
step 2 - 01
step 3 - 02
step 4 - 03
step 5 - 07 (this should be step 5)
step 6 - 08 (this should be step 6)
step 7 - 09
step 8 - 10

ASC does not work with every step and skips 5,6 for unknown reasons. Am I missing something? I can’t seem to edit this.

I am new to Renoise and absolutely love this tool.
Thanks for your time and effort, it is a really great way to faff about with ideas.
All the best to you!

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Thanks @mummica. Enjoy it! :grinning:

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