I’m probably getting some type of ADHD (it’s not a new type of envelope), but lately I can’t stand one thing and finish it properly.
I will probably return to them gradually,
but I have to release Rezonator in the pre version and focus on something else for a while.
Resonator is my attempt to implement the Karplus-Strong algorithm
and create a simulation of string instruments.
So far, it contains the creation of individual sounds
and minimal creation of chords.
The control is rough yet but can be quickly understood.
The main one is to choose in the settings which sample you want to generate.
If only a single string or entire chord sound.
thanks, hoping to dig in. could you also mention in future posts where these scripts are accessed from - they’re not in Tools but seem to be in Sample Editor right-click on waveform
not sure how I missed this one. very cool. I like to do a lot of unconventional karplus strong in the fx section, but this tool returns some very servicable plucks. nice work @martblek . you are the king of renoise tone generators
Hey, just updated with the latest version and am trying out the chord tab, either I’m doing something wrong or it isn’t working? Generate sample doesn’t produce anything afaics (windows 10).