Finally we made a deal with Oskari Tammelin, author/creator of Buzz plugin format. In near future version Renoise will be supporting Buzz plugins!
It will be offered as “separate version” (read:“more expensive”).
Although these prices may change, here is a full list:
$66 for Buzz-enabled version. This will be called “Pro” version, but you can call it “Enterprise”, “Intergalactic” or whatever you like. This version includes all the benefits of the normal version - upgrades etc. Includes all the features. This is price for first-time registration. This is also a “bundle” price.
$45 “Normal” version (current), call it “Budget” version although it is not a budget at all It includes all the current features except Buzz support.
$26 Upgrade to Buzz-enabled version. Does not extend registration period of registered version. (yes, your math it correct, $26+$45 = $71
$20 - Upgrade fee to Buzz version only for current registered users and only for a limited time. (true it’s $65).
We will of course announce if there are any price changes and when we will start with distribution. First it needs some testing and development time.
We know many of you simply don’t care about Buzz, however we need to offer a choice to people that want Buzz otherwise they would feel limited and Renoise is everything but limiting piece of software (we sincerely hope).
Buzz version will NOT be offered at all in free version of Renoise. Therefore only registered users will be able to enjoy the benefit of this one.
We hope the price is fair, we’re still below 3 digits unlike some “professional” music software…
If you have further questions feel free to post it.