Ni Maschine Issue

hi. :)

i´m having trouble with maschine integration into renoise.

after creating a pattern inside maschine and trying to drag/drop it into a renoise track, renoise creates a whole new song and inserts the pattern there. so now i have to copy the renoise-pattern, close this new song, reopen my work and paste it there. works, but… :wacko:

how can i insert a maschine-pattern into a renoise-track more efficiently? routing maschine midi-out-data into the tracks and recording them? does this work?

audio dragging/dropping works btw.

thanks and greets.

About the drag-drop-creates-a-new-song -problem:

There has been at least this thread describing similar behaviour. I can’t say much more, because I’ve never tried any of this method. The general answer seemed to be that dragging and dropping midi data is not fully supported at the moment…

too bad, thanks anyway.

maybe there´ll be internal routing in the future, would be great.