Who let the dogs out?
Woof, woof, VLC, woof.
how come it won’t let me pick the whole slice with the doubleclick as you can? o.O
As I said in a previous post it’s Ctrl+DoubleClick.
Can FX process be called from the api?
ok cool, this is nearly -it- , it will definitely help me using slicer to more extent, but i still would be happy with renoise resampling it to the instrument as that would allow changin pitch of the sample and other sample related
attributes, and you could swap snares for example as well
behaviour when the slice gets marked straight after you press the mapped key so that you can edit it straight would be cool too - this is what you can do if you have renoise instrument made , because it will switch depending on what sample is played and you can precisely edit it
There is also a keyboard shortcut to select the slice your play cursor is currently in. As default it has no assignment though so you will have to add one yourself. May help if you are a keyboard purest. There are also unassigned shortcuts for making Big Steps through the Sample Editor.
Would be nice if there was a button to press which stopped the cursor where it was, rather than going back to last play position. Then you could play through until you find a slice you want and not have to rely on the eyes quite so much to see exactly which one it was.
I have made exactly that same request too.
Although why you can’t do it from the Slices view I don’t personally understand anyway. Then the existing Auto-Select Played would work well enough for it.
Sample Editor → Selection → Select Current Slice only selects a slice once you’ve clicked on the slice… not the slice you just played, not the slice your mouse hovered on top of…
That’s what I said. The slice your cursor is in. Although not while playing back.
Cursor always goes back to last play start position once you hit stop so obviously it’s going to be where you last clicked or navigated to via the keyboard.
I even said it would be nice if there was a way to get the cursor to stop where you stop to enable you to highlight last played (or at least get close to it quick.)
the slice your cursor has clicked on… not the slice your cursor is on…
secondary function would be sweet tho
i’m hoping that slice-to-new-samples(vV script?) will become native renoise.
Ahh, I meant the play cursor you can click in place, move around with the arrow buttons (the dashed orange line) you thought I meant the mouse cursor. I get where the confusion came from now.
I find the sample slices useable, and currently prefer to use them as event generators, with the help of some tools of course.
This method usually requires me to render an empty selection to sample.
I like the non destructive behavior, and have used it heavily when creating “master slices”
Ex: I’m given two audio .wav tracks (bass, guitar) that are perfectly aligned.
I create “master slices” for both of them so I can play it back as if it was one audio file but have the option to play only one file.
The Mix paste feature also gets plenty of use with this “master slice” method when swapping audio tracks to other “master slices”.
Using slices to pattern as it is now works fine for me, context menu → sub menu. But I imagine that if this feature is used seldom times, then its workflow could be easily forgotten. Selecting the first sample of the sliced instrument, selecting the position on a track and making sure the desired sync value is correct.
In order to check if the feature has done its job and that no errors were made by me, I need two views, the Pattern Editor and the Instrument Settings. The top view can be collasped because I can easily select the sliced instrument by using the dropdown menu.
My impression of the context menu → sub menu approach is that its a hassle free approach, as long as its kept as a key bindable feature, then I’m all for it. I have it currently kebinded because it gets plenty of use, the only time I really use context menus and sub menus are for features that are used seldom times.
I do however wish that all highly used keybinded features could be listed and categorized, well, I guess I can use Renoise’s text editor for that…
Yeah, and you came in it over 5 times
Now regarding the possibility to process slices without having them blanked out:
I don’t think this should be availble without clear consent of the user desiring to do destructive processing.
You could process a slice in two manners: having it chopped and processing the chopped part, leaving the complete sample alone or simply apply the change to the specific part in the complete sample.
I don’t vote for the latter but i can understand some folks just wanting this kind of feature for applying specific effects to restricted areas.
So that one would need a toggle:Apply fx and processing to the original area or copy the area to a distinct sampleslot and only process that specific sample.
or simply - leave it as it is, just add - render new instrument - where the samples of that instrument would be slices from the original
But I want the instrument to remain whole! Cutting into separate slices bring a lot of its own problems I’m really not to happy with. There should be a more comfortable way to edit/affect slices without having to highlight them.
the original would remain whole, so you can always come back to it and make changes in case the rendered one is not satisfactory
For what it’s worth, I find the sample slicing and separated instrument view to be quite useful, even in their current unfinished form.