Openmpt Be Badmouthin Us! :O



Mr. OMPT, doubts our cumulative efforts.
We show him, we have risen.

All fine guys. Saga Musix and the MP devs do it their way, we do it ours. I’m actually quite happy that MP still exists and is developed continuously. Renoise was not build to kill all other trackers, but to allow us to do music the way we want it. The more trackers there are, the better this is for all of us.

I can’t resist to “discuss” one mentioned topic though.

“Why is my feature not implemented”?

Oh well, things are not that easy. Developing software is about creating a thing that does its job, not about stacking as many features as possible. If you only stack them on top they will fall down sooner or later. You can rely on that. Creating this big thing that is more than the sum of its features, is the art and the hard part of it. I’m actually quite surprised to hear such a statement from someone who also is a developer.

This doesn’t mean that we don’t care about suggestions. In contrary, we need and rely on them. Thats what made Renoise Renoise. Its just that there are a LOT of things involved when deciding what and how to do such things BEFORE writing a single line of code. And this is getting harder and harder over the time now, with everything we build on top of our existing creature. Renoise already now is complex as hell. Do we want it even more complex, or do we want it getting better?

Also why should I or someone else here !neglect! a good idea? Because I think mine are better than all others? This really doesn’t make sense to me.

Finally, another reason why this and that feature is not implemented is because I know am replying to this topic instead of writing some 100 lines of code.


Who’s using renoise?

Mr. snares.

Nuff said.

Renoise is without any doubt one of the closed-source audio applications which has grown basing on the users suggestions the most.

If someone tells the contrary, it’s because he never looked at the Ideas&Suggestions forum section, which is perfectly fine to not do, but you should not base your opinions about a software on the IRC whinings of some people: there is even people who left the forum (and maybe quit using Renoise?) because Renoise didn’t have an option for linear master level indicators (which now Renoise has, by the way).

Renoise is thankful to its user base, which is thankful to Renoise.

by the way, a good part of the team works on a voluntary basis, while other receive money for what they do (because they work on a regular basis and do the most complex things not directly related to Renoise coding), but noone is working on Renoise as a daily job or is getting rich with it. And even if we would, I don’t see why there should be anything wrong with it.

Who cares anyway, in the end, one can outproduce another by using windows sound recorder for all i care.

Words of wisdom.

btw.: hi, i’m new to this forum ;) :D

popcorn ready! …am i late?


Yeh it’s over, Renoise wins.

What secret stuff would you think to find on the backstage anyway? there is no secret stuff, only a downloadable copy that allows you to spew wav tracks use ASIO and non-crippled ReWire. There is no secret backstage community.
Even if 400% would be put into Renoise development, there are tons of suggestions being posted, from very minor to major.

If you would have sticked around here for a while on these forums, you would have found out that for instance:Sample recording, was a user requested feature. ReWire has been requested by the community lots of times, got implemented but hey!, you wanted simple requests? sure one example as well:recording a single chord-strike only using one hand instead of having to hold the shift key, was a feature request.

Each version update comes with a majority of features that are all user requests, whether registered users or non-registered, we can’t always tell, because we pick them from the ideas and suggestions forum where everybody can post, including you and we have no secret flags that tell which user has registered Renoise or not.

If you don’t like the speed these things get implemented, well on my personal behalf: sorry, this team doesn’t contain 5 fully skilled developers and there only was one for a long time while only recently the team got expanded by another developer.

Also it is desired this stuff works as bug-free as possible. Does MPT work fully bugfree and crashfree? Well, i haven’t touched MPT or MPP since mid '98 so i will not ventilate any wild guesses about the state i experienced it in.

Having an opinion is fine, but make sure that you base your statements on real facts and not half-assed guesses.
Your replies really show you can’t really arm your statements with good knowledge and solid known facts.

There are far more expensive audio production tools that have a lot worse user support than Renoise.


lets go back and make things with oly 4 channels :D

That could make for an odd and interesting compo: any length, any genre, but you can only use four tracks. Choose your instruments wisely.

good idea, but i only need 3 channels :D

Same here. (done on ft2, XM)

I could never contain my awesome in 4chan.