Play a selection of a sample in any note... instantly!

How about using a slice marker for auditioning? You can freely move it around and when you need to hear a different note you can transpose the instrument using instrument settings on the right side.

Sure it’s not the same functionality, but perhaps this could be useful for some…

How about using a slice marker for auditioning? You can freely move it around and when you need to hear a different note you can transpose the instrument using instrument settings on the right side.

Sure it’s not the same functionality, but perhaps this could be useful for some…

Nice found Emre_k ! this is actually a pretty good shot in the direction i’m looking. Although still not perfect, very sweet pointing this out :slight_smile: thanks for this awesome hint.

edit: oops, saw a Dutch word in here haha.

bump :frowning: must have… feature… aargh :frowning:

oh no, my idea is not dead… as a matter of fact, I registered MANY years ago and I want to have this sample-exploring feature everyday! Please developers, take a look at it for the sake of retronic music :wink:

I’ve found that Renoise 3.1 can actually achieve this very thing!

It’s a pretty useful technique, so I’ve made it available in the tips&tricks section:

I’ve found that Renoise 3.1 can actually achieve this very thing!

It’s a pretty useful technique, so I’ve made it available in the tips&tricks section:

People that are lost souls in this thread, behold this link - it’s still not perfect but matches 99% the idea where my post is going :slight_smile:

still bumping this in 2017 :wink:

… and way in 2018 :slight_smile:

recap: select a piece of sample, expect to play that? doesnt? ctrl+t and now it does…
you have to ctrl+t for every selection but that kinda works…

I like the solution using a slice marker and a one note phrase triggering the marker the most. because you can quickly move the marker, and it will make playing position of the sample skip at the same time as you move it. let’s make a script that will auto set up this with a simple key command.

when I press enter on a selection it plays the selection, but when I play notes it doesnt… so close yet so far away… :confused: