You can use the New Tool (2.7): Play Song From Marker tool.
It could be modified to do exactly what you want. (what’s bellow is not the modification I propose)
For now you can use the attachment bellow:
renoise.tool():add_midi_mapping {
name = "Global:Tools:Play song from marker...",
invoke = play
to the tool’s main.lua
use a virtual midi port and have an instrument that would send midi to it
midibind the used CC in the doofer to the Play Loop From marker (don’t forget to go into the doofer and set the linked instrument, you can’t save that in a .xnrt)
keybind Set Marker to something comfortable
midibind the loop time and on off to a midi knob and a toggle switch
Now just save project as template, so that this doofer and that midi instrument would always be there.
Also, you must have the midi port in the Master Keyboard list in the options menu, I never quite understood why though, why can’t you just receive midi not from a master keyboard.