No, I’m totally not contradicting myself. You are just not seeing the point and I really cannot understand what is so freaky or strange about this subject.
This is crystal clear stuff for anyone who makes music.
You loop the song… You get stuck… you make the song, it progresses…
You have a software that forces you to loop everything you do… you are more likely to never finish the song…
edit: and hope you guys don’t get me wrong here… I’m really thinking about the future of renoise and every user that uses it. Myself I am going to propably either use the template that has to be rewinded every time (If you look at sequencers, they play what is done and then jump to the beginning of the song when you press play) or I’ll just get stuck in the loop… heh But I’m just raising this issue because it would help renoise userbase to become more pro - meaning it would give artistical freedom that we now don’t have and therefor help people make better songs.
This stuff is subliminal, but… should it be less important than anything else? Ain’t it important if a software subliminally blocks the artists feelings and creative flow? =) imo… the essence and feel of a software is just as important as the list of features.
Can’t see that being “such a minor issue” if the sofware has a feature that subliminally helps block the musicians mind =)
Once again… for those of you who missed it → Prodigy on looping and how he was afraid to do the switch from a W30 sequencer into Cubase because there the looping can be switched on:
"Cubase has helped my writing quite a bit. I was so stuck with the W30 I never really thought I’d need more than 16 tracks. Also, I was worried I’d change the way I wrote. Now, I try and write the same way I used to on the W30; for example, I try not to copy too many things. I might write something and do an 8-bar section instead of one bar repeated, which is what most people in dance music do. The worst thing is getting stuck in an 8-bar loop – you stick Cycle on, come up with something good, and it goes round and round. Then you get stuck into a groove, and it takes you ages to actually write the song. I try not to use Cycle too much – just until I get a few ideas, then I turn it off. "
and I did not make this up after reading the liam’s interview even though he is one of my all time musical gods…
I understand some of you want to loop - but I think that’s propably because you have not experienced anything else. But please at least consider this topic on some level. . It might help you and the future users of renoise get out of the loop too… heh…
Good vibes to all…