Great idea for a thread! I like it.
ex-sedate, really liking your loop. Great kick sound, I’m loving the ride cymbals… Agree with Hseiken that some dark sounds would be fitting… But honestly, I think anything would sound good with this. Just put a bassline and I think the rest will come to you naturally Keep us updated on this, I’d like to hear more.
Hseiken, listening to explorers remix now. Really nice job on this, although I’m not familiar with the original. Initially I didn’t like the lofi buzz at the beginning. But once everything comes in, especially the bass, it’s all really sounding well produced. I like the cut up orchestral style.
I was hoping to get some feedback on my latest… Done in 3 hours for the 3 hour knockout tournament. It’s called “Eastern Billows” -->
I’ve shied away from posting any songs to the Renoise song forum for a very long time… Maybe the relaxed atmosphere of this thread will encourage me to post more frequently