Post Your Latest Project/Work In Progress

Great idea for a thread! I like it.

ex-sedate, really liking your loop. Great kick sound, I’m loving the ride cymbals… Agree with Hseiken that some dark sounds would be fitting… But honestly, I think anything would sound good with this. Just put a bassline and I think the rest will come to you naturally :) Keep us updated on this, I’d like to hear more.

Hseiken, listening to explorers remix now. Really nice job on this, although I’m not familiar with the original. Initially I didn’t like the lofi buzz at the beginning. But once everything comes in, especially the bass, it’s all really sounding well produced. I like the cut up orchestral style.

I was hoping to get some feedback on my latest… Done in 3 hours for the 3 hour knockout tournament. It’s called “Eastern Billows” -->

I’ve shied away from posting any songs to the Renoise song forum for a very long time… Maybe the relaxed atmosphere of this thread will encourage me to post more frequently :)