Round 1 winners are in!
Round 1 deadline extended to: 2011-07-14 12:00 noon EST (GMT -5)
I’ve decided to get rid of the geographical “leagues” since there were more Europeans by a ratio of 2:1. So everybody will be mixed up together.
3 hours was voted most popular as the time limit for tracking, so that’s what we’ll do.
E.H.V.A.H. SDC and lapubell … Any update on the time limit plugin?
Tracking Rules
Use Renoise to write an original song of any style (no covers or remixes). The song itself can be any length.
Use the samplepack only. No external samples, synths, vocals, etc
Use built-in Renoise DSP effects only. No external vst or vsti allowed.
Draw sample feature is not allowed. Any other techniques such as chipping or render to sample are allowed.
Tracking Time limit (IMPORTANT): You must spend no longer than 3 hours actually tracking your song. Once you have reached 3 hours, you must save your XRNS and stop tracking. You are however allowed to render after the 3 hours is up.
Since I have not heard back from E.H.V.A.H. SDC and lapubell, it appears that at least for this 1st week, this will be honor system only. i.e. there is no way to prove that you only spent 3 hours or less, but I’m hoping everyone will be honest. If there is any suspicion that you spent more than 3 hours, an investigation will be conducted and depending on the results, possible disqualification of your entry may occur.
Cocoa has made a nice stopwatch plugin to help us keep track of our time. It can be found here:
Submission guidelines:
Once you have completed tracking, compress your xrns with RAR or ZIP. Upload to your own webspace, and send me a Private Message with a link to the song and the song’s title before that round’s deadline. If you don’t have a place to host the song, just let me know and we’ll work out something – You can email it to me or something.
Although not required, a rendered mp3 of your song for listening is encouraged. If you choose to do this, please include the mp3 link along with the RAR/ZIP’d song link.
If you are registered for this tournament and don’t submit a song, you will be disqualified and your competitor will win by default and be advanced to the next round.
Voting guidelines:
Once the deadline is up and entries are received, I will post a link to all the songs in this forum thread (A “link votepack”)
Download all the songs and listen to them. Use your own criteria for judgment, i.e. theme, melody, production skill, etc
I will also post a link to an online survey form where you will go to vote. Each competitor will need to listen to and vote on all the other “versus matches” in that particular week. (I.e. vote whether you prefer Purple Motion’s song or Necros’ song).
You are not allowed to vote for yourself in your versus match. I haven’t yet figured out how this will be logistically handled – But I’ve got a week to figure that out. Any suggestions are welcomed. Chotoro if you are still up for creating a web form for this, that would be awesome. Currently I am relying on an online survey site. -
Everyone is expected to vote. If you don’t vote, you will be disqualified and your competitor will win by default and be advanced to the next round.
Once the voting period ends (It will be a few days to a week), results will be tallied and the winner of each vs. match will be advanced to the next round.
Comments, song feedback, constructive criticism, and good natured smack-talk are all welcome in the forum thread. (Come on Keith303, BRING IT ON!!!