Problem/question with edit mode

Delete the App AND also the file KeyBindings.xslt in:
~/your_home/Library/Application Support/Renoise/[version]/Stylesheets/

OR EVEN just delete this file only first, and run Renoise again (so it will bring its default config file for KeyBindings).

To go to Library (because it is hidden folder) use Go menu in Finder and press Shift+Option so the menu item will appear.

one weird thing:
Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 4.56.38 PM
there seems to be two buttons for toggling edit mode? could this be the problem?

another thing is that im using a m2 mac and 3.4.3 is m1 only??? could that be the reason for this glitch?

Id love to help more but i don’t know anything about mac. I tagged @taktik as he is the developer of Renoise to see if it is a known bug. Perhaps submit a support ticket in backstage. Its unfortunate that this is your first experience with Renoise, hopefully it gets sorted soon for you.

thank you very much. you and everyone else have helped tremendously in understanding the problem. ill go ahead and make the ticket, thanks again!!

It’s a weird problem indeed, and a pity that this is your first experience of Renoise.

As others have said, this isn’t normal behaviour: What type of keyboard is connected to this mac?
If you have a MIDI keyboard connected, please try disconnecting it to see if this is what causing this.

If you’ve got another keyboard to test with, try that too.

Does entering text within Renoise work normally for you?

hello, there is no other keyboard or midi connected to my mac. im using this on a macbook air.

side note: i was trying to screenshot something to clarify if adding text to renoise meant stuff like adding delay or volume, but now the command for screenshotting instead makes this thing go haywire. it just starts adding more sections. also, i had never added this button reassignment, but pressing spacebar also toggles edit mode now?

Did you switch to TF2 mode? Because that would explain the space bar toggling edit mode. It almost sounds to me like one of your modifier keys is sticking, but that’s pure conjecture…
No issues in any other programs?

thanks, turns out it was indeed ft2 mode. also, holding command will decrease the number of sections while shift command increases it, though ive checked and theyre not considered to be a key in the button reassignment thing? so far i havent had any current or history of key binding problems in any other programs, although i havent used much in the past anyways aside from some drawing softwares that ive now deleted. thanks for clearing some things up, hopefully taktik will give me some solutions on the scrolling problem.

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What keyboard language or input source are you using?
Do you have the same problem when using US English as keyboard language in MacOS?

Have you tried switching Renoise out of fullscreen mode (Renoise menu “View” → Fullscreen)?

im just using english when im in renoise and nothing else. i just tried exiting fullscreen and unfortunately the problem’s still there. this might not help, but here’s a screenshot of my main screen, in case ive pressed some buttons accidentally that caused this to happen.

Looking good, no issues in terms of your main screen.

No, patterns and phrases are different things, but besides of that I assume it’s the same key that toggles edit mode, isn’t it? And in case you’re running Renoise in FT2 mode you also got two buttons toggling edit mode natively, Esc and Space bar to be precise.

So let’s review. You’ve got a M2 Macbook Air without any external keyboard or other hardware.
You’ve already tried the following:

  • reassigning the key for edit mode
  • deinstalling and reinstalling Renoise
  • deleting the file KeyBindings.xsit
  • running a previous Renoise version
  • deactivating fullscreen in Renoise
  • FT2 mode

If you haven’t tried one of these options yet, just do it. So it looks like the first assumption was correct and it’s an Apple issue. IF it happens, It obviously only happens on Apple systems. Maybe an Apple user like @Tomek possibly knows best how to figure out if there’s a shortcut conflict with Renoise and your Apple system.

So I reinstalled it again, this time deleting everything from the Preferences/Renoise folder as well, and started it up, only to find that theres also a failed fl studios plugin that cant load? im starting to suspect that this could genuinely be because this version of renoise is not compatible with m2 macs. could this be? @taktik

new problem. this thing now pops up whenever i want to open the app. i had literally just went in the folder and deleted the file, then quit and reopened renoise.

just tried older versions like 3.4.2, the bug is there too

@tunesz Sorry, I’m running out of ideas here. Maybe this is a new problem with MacOS in Renoise that only occurs with the latest generation of Mac Book Air. We don’t have such a Mac Book Air here to test at the moment, so all I can offer you at the moment is a refund as Renoise obviously won’t work for you.

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Do you have any Renoise tools installed? Can you try to disable “Metal based GFX rendering” in the preferences under “GUI”?

Also can you try to set a frame rate limit to 60fps in the same settings?

Maybe this is related to Metal3? I still have macos 12 installed :sweat_smile: Didn’t want to become a unpaid alpha tester…

oh no, could that be it? im using ventura 13. or maybe i should i update my os? i will try this later.

After trying to simply play some notes in the sampler, the scrolling problem also happens now, but with the notes on the keyboard. apologies but after trying pretty much everything i am a little lost on how to use even the basic functions of this DAW. thank you everyone for your extremely kind words of advice, youve all been extremely helpful, and i do think this is one of the better online forums out there. but may i ask about the procedures for a refund?

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Did you try what I wrote?