So I’m following the tutorial user manual for renoise and edit mode is driving me crazy. unless i select the key option while im in it none of my notes will register. but if im on that part of the note edit mode will delete my notes as i go? so whats the point? im sorry but im just so perplexed about this part of the software.
Im not sure I 100% understand what you mean about the “key option”? Are you entering notes with a midi keyboard or a QWERTY? It doesn’t sound like youve got step jump turned on, when you enter a note - does the cursor jump down to the next line, or 4 lines down or some other number? If it stays on the same line, you will just be overwriting what you enter.
Adjust step jump here:
If that doesnt help, reply and i will see what else to suggest.
hi, i meant the option to change the notes instead of the volume, delay, or panning etc that are all listed within each bar. the problem i have is that unless im pressing the part of the bar that means the note, then nothing will play. but then if i dont press keys fast enough and stop edit mode, then the scrolling will loop back to the beginning and start deleting what i played earlier.
second problem i have is that whenever i press notes it all comes out really jittery. i watched the video tutorial that explained it and there was no scrolling whatsoever, which confused me even more. as for how the cursor moves, it just keeps moving down the next line. if i hold the note, then the scrolling will speed up and every single bar after will be that same note. thank you for taking the time to answer and sorry it took so long!!
With regards to the second paragraph, you need to click this button in the transport:
Which means that the cursor will follow the playback “head” so you can enter notes in time with playback. Overwriting notes is normal if you enter a new note on top of an existing note, the solution to which is to add a new note column by clicking the little + icon above the word “Note” at the top of the column. You can then enter more notes in the new column.
As for holding notes filling every line, if your step jump is set to 1, then each note entry will jump the next line down, add a note, jump down one line, etc.
I hope that helps?
thank you, i understand this a bit more now. but is there anyway to just stop the whole thing from scrolling so quickly while in edit mode?
If you’re just in edit mode (having pressed escape) the steps should only scroll when you input a note or command, and should step forward by your edit step size.
If you’ve pressed escape and then spacebar, you are in live recording mode. The speed will be dependent on your bpm and LPB settings.
thanks for everyone that replied, i pressed the edit step to zero and then one again and the problem was somehow fixed? now it works as zensphere described where the steps will only move once ive typed a note and not just automatically whenever. anyhow, im extremely thankful and this helped me ALOT.
never mind, it looks like its happening again. i press esc and the whole thing starts scrolling down really quickly regardless if im pressing notes or not. resetting the edit step back to 0 also doesnt seem to work anymore.
Are able to install OBS or similar and screen record, or even record the screen with your phone so we can assist you better?
What’s your system? Apple? Someone had a similar problem. Btw, Apple sucks.
What’s your type of keyboard? MIDI? What happens if you unplug it and plug it again?
Do your keyboard has got a stuck key maybe? Do you have the same issues outside of Renoise?
Can you post a GIF showing your issue?
Some things you need to know:
Esc = activate/deactivate edit mode
Space bar = starts/stops the song (press it in case you want the song/pattern to stop immediately)
right Alt = starts the current pattern
the symbol that @BriocheBaps mentioned = pattern scrolling
left Ctrl + chosen number = edit step (DOES NOT work with the numpad)
to mirtazapine: yes, heres a video of the issue im experiencing. issue – Google Drive please excuse the link as the video file is too big.
to tnt: yes, im using apple, and all i have is my computer keyboard and nothing else. ive never experienced stuck key issues. thank you for the tips as well.
That isnt in any way normal behaviour, i do seem to recall the thread @TNT mentions. Something is stuck yes, i dont use Apple so in terms of updates/drivers etc. Im not sure if such things apply. Is a separate keyboard plugged in as well as the built in one? Ill try to find that thread.
Seems to be same issue, not sure if it was addressed. Are you using the demo? @taktik is this a known bug on Mac?
no, unfortunately not. this is the full licensed version of renoise.
I knew it…
Yes, that’s definitely not a normal behavior. You’re right @BriocheBaps, it might be the same issue. It scrolls through the whole song in warp speed after activating edit mode AND seemingly copies the cursor position to every step. If you ask me, this weird issue has something to do with Apple, just like other issues that Renoise users do have if using Apple. What’s your Renoise version? 3.4.3? Do you have the same issue while running a previous Renoise version? What happens if you’re using for example 3.4.1 instead? If nothing helps, personally I would deinstall and reinstall Renoise again and look what’s up.
I’m sorry, but I cannot help more, I’ve never used Apple for music production because it simply sucks imo. Nevertheless I hope an Apple enthusiast that’s using Renoise or @taktik can help you out. Good luck!
Escape can be a special key on various systems i guess.
As soon as I started using Renoise the first key I remapped was ‘Toggle Edit’.
Basically so it is more like Fasttracker 2; but also may avoid using a ‘special key’ like ‘win’ ‘apple’ ‘esc’, etc…
You can set this automatically by choosing ‘FT2’ mode in the Plugins/Misc tab.
I try really hard to reproduce this situation, and I can’t get it. You have probably a keyboard shortcut conflict (between general OS settings and Renoise itself). But I have never problems with Renoise on Mac(s) and I use standard config of shortcuts in Renoise (with a few extra added for some options). The only limitation (if it is a problem) I found is lack of numeric part on the keyboard on MacBooks (and Raspberry Pi), and which is very handy for Renoise (as it is configured by default). … … Do you use Renoise natively (for Silicon) or in Rosetta 2 (Intel emulation) mode? (I use everything native, for sure).
Whaaaaaaat?! And somehow I didn’t realize it for all those years since version 3?
Thanks, switched immediately!
That’s quite a good approach! Now that you mention it… Not sure if I remember correctly, but I believe once there was someone with a similar problem on Mac and that was caused by that key. @tunesz should give it a try and check what happens after changing the assignment, just like you did. And surely what @Tomek says also makes sense. The question is how to find out what key assignment could cause the problem.
thanks for the recommendations, but unfortunately ft2 mode, or changing the button assignment still makes it scroll. i have also closed all other apps to make sure that theres no conflict but its still there. i’ll try to follow @TNT 's advice and delete and reinstall the app to see if its still there.