I really didn’t expect Renoise to be that accurate but once you record with note delays, it’s really impressing.
After that I’d like to quantisize my notes. But I can’t seem to find an option like that.
I know, I shouldn’t make suggestions right now. But I’d be happy to see this function somewhen in Renoise.
Yes it would be sweet for us who simply cant play piano Right there in the “advanced edit” window. There is the workaround to get quantizing, that is to not record note delays. But patterns tend to be quite long then
Well… most/many times you dont want to change the lenght of your recorded notes. You just wanna make them start right on a line. Not to end on a line. So recording quantized by just turning off ‘record notedelays’, simply is not good enough
You should have options to both quantize the start of notes and the ends of notes. Also an option to move a block/track one tick up/down would be very much appreciated.
Live midi recordings are still a hassle in renoise because of this. Also a better resolution would be my first wish for renoise in the future.
Yep, not to mention I may want to quantise a selection only, in which case turning off delay recording is even more not enough.
Yeah. I could really use a quantise too. My keyboard skills aren’t all there at the moment.
Quantise selection is sorely missed! Even a simple one like “quantise to nearest even row” would be super… This could go in the Advanced Edit section on the right perhaps.
Renoise rocks
definitely - good for playing in keymapped breaks too!
yes the option to quantise should be in any seriues music sofware