Sent the developer an email stating I’m finally gonna dive in after subscribing to Radium for 4 months without using it. His response:
“Good luck with that”
Needless to say I never open it anymore…
I visit this forum now and then. I feel that I need to reply to this one. First of all, that’s not what I said, and secondly, what I wrote was not meant to be sarcastic or negative in any way.
Which OS are you on? In linux you can bridge everything to run through jack. I’m not sure how it works on Windows, I would expect there is a way but isn’t that how ASIO works? Seems like it would be expected to happen.
Cant install in ubuntu 19.10 OpenGL crashed. There is something wrong with your computer. Radium can not start. It might help to update the GFX driver.
When I start the jack audio connection kit player, then open up radium I get an error notice saying it is unable to connect to Jack. I’m about to look for the readme text the error notice is asking you to read in this case, but shame it needs jack at all, why not a n00b mode which just runs without it? Curious though to get it working.