Read The Fucking Manual!

I just got stuck in ableton 7 - so I pressed F1 and got helped… It didn’t stick. So I googled the fucker. Found some good help - Everything was explained in easy to digest helpul chunks. looks at title - it was the manual for ableton 4 - i learnt sooooo much - i have to get the manual for renoise v1 to learn all the basics otherwise i’m gonna eat my cock… discuss?

Mr.Armin Meiwes might be able to give you tips regarding eating your own cock :panic:

Renoise manual v1:
Note off = Caps Lock

Space = Record mode.

BPM 800 = speedcore

Breakcore is horrible hump music though.

There is no speed 6
There is no speed 3
There is no speed

There is no spoon

but honestly,
did you try that?
Ableton manuals

Well, i hope you managed to get rid of the need of a girlfriend for performing the last consequence.

A very complex way to teach your children to eat with just one eating-tool.


Then we should fix this:

#include <stdio.h> /* printf, stderr, fprintf */<br>
#include <unistd.h> /* _exit, fork */<br>
#include <stdlib.h> /* exit */<br>
#include <errno.h> /* errno */<br>
int printCounter(char*, int);<br>
int main()<br>
	fork() == 0 ? printCounter("child", 0) : fork() &gt; 0 ? printCounter("parent", 0) :<br>
		fprintf(stderr, "can't fork, error %d\n", errno);<br>
	return 0;<br>
int printCounter(char* prefix, int counter)<br>
	printf("%s %d\n", prefix, counter);<br>
	counter++ &gt;= 10? (prefix == "child"? _exit(0) : exit(0)) : printCounter(prefix, counter);<br>
	return counter;<br>

Thanks, this is fixed now.</errno.h></stdlib.h></unistd.h></stdio.h>

kraftwerk ain’t looking too good at the moment then?

… I want my 10 euros back

Has a new manual been written yet? The tutorial page still links to the one for V1.9

Or has anybody got links for up to date pattern commands and keyboard shortcut lists (for PC) I can have please.

The v2.0 manual is at the same place as the 1.9 manual was, but you might get the pages refreshed if you clear your browser’s cache…

If i get the time i’ll add the No-Cache option into the site-template to prevent this as much as possible, but not all browsers respect this toggle.

Yeah in the download section you have this link, which is clearly the 1.9 manual.…

As I said it’s only the pattern commands and keyboard shortcuts I’d personally like to print off again but other’s would probably like the whole manual.

The offline is being upated as soon as it is complete, it is yet not entirely finished, a few additions have to be made.

Excooooze my lazyness and lack of initiative, but… how ? :D

So I’m not the only one who didn’t know you can do this then. Haven’t had a chance to look at how yet though but guessed it would be fairly obvious…