Recording from streaming sound on a linux os

hey, can anybody explain how - if possible - to record directly to sample from any audio running in the default system, im running a linux system having both alsa and jack available. in windows it was done by recording from stereo mixer i believe it was called? lets say i want to record a sound from a running youtube video directly to sample in renoise, possible?

This is a previous post I made that contains some suggestions.

ill answer it myself as i fund out a (weird) way to do it, but it works.
open pulseaudio volume control.
open recording tab (should be empty)
start recording a sample in renoise. (this must be done first)
recordingtab in pulse should now be showing renoise, and a drop downlist. choose monitoring if not already.
Now it should be recording whatever is running in system sound, for instance audio from youtube.

as i said, kinda weird, not renoises fault, but it works.

if you cant find pulse audio volume cotrol, sudo apt-get install pavucontrol

Using jack with pulse audio sink works best for me, in case the browser or other app doesn’t support jack. Cadence is a solid tool that configures it all and lets you wire up audio and midi between different programs in a modular fashion.

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There’s also RaySession. +1 for Jack and Pulse sink