I can’t seem to understand the relationship between LPB, time signature and song tempo.
I’ve made a song on LPB 4, then changed it to 5.
TO my untrained ear it looks like it only changed the song’s tempo, is that correct?
Where can I find more info on the relationship between LPB and BPM?
Can I have a song running at 75 BPM with a LPB of 8 without having to half the tempo?
LPB stands for ‘Lines Per Beat’. It is literally how many pattern lines will be processed by Renoise during each beat of your song, and you can think of it as a kind of overall detail level for your song. If you need to program a lot of intricate notes and pattern commands to create very fine detailed sounds, then you will need to work with a higher LPB setting so that you can physically fit more information into your pattern.
So the tempo itself did not change, it is simply how Renoise interprets the information contained in your pattern. When you change the LPB setting, you must also modify any existing pattern data so that it fits correctly into this new level of detail, otherwise it will appear to be playing too fast or too slow.
When working with time signatures other than 4/4, it’s also useful to set your LPB to be a factor of the time signature. So for example, when working at 3/4 you might use an LPB of 6, 12 or 24. When working at 5/4 you might use an LPB of 5, 10, or 20, etc. This will allow you to place your notes on exact pattern lines without resorting to note delay commands or other tricks used to trigger notes ‘inbetween’ lines. Keep in mind that you will also need to adjust your pattern length to that it matches the correct number of lines needed.
Sure. Use the Expand feature found in the Advanced Edit panel. This will modify your pattern data by inserting spaces inbetween each line, effectively turning LPB4 into LPB8.
Yeah of course. You can mix and match things pretty much however you want, as long as you understand what’s going on and how to get the results you’re looking for. In cases where you’re working with a lot of triplet notes, for example, it can just be a lot easier if your pattern is structured a certain way, otherwise you will probably need to use the note delay command a hell of a lot.
This reminds me of another thread from December where time signatures were discussed a little bit. I posted some examples showing how to alternate between 3/4 and 4/4 time in a song, comparing the LPB method vs the note delay method. You can check that out and see which one feels more comfortable to you, since it really is just a personal preference.
Whats the advantage of a lpb 6 in 3/4 songmeasure ( here a beat represents 6 lines )
So a full measure/bar =18 lines
Then lpb 8 in 3/4 songmeasure …here a beat represents 8 lines … .Full bar/measure= 24 lines
Not much overly, the advantage comes when doing triplets, not when wanting different time signatures. At least that’s what I’ve come to deduce, although usually find it easier to stick to 4/8 and use delays when wanting triplets as thinking in 12s and having (what now seem to me) weird length patterns became more brain work than adding delay values when needed.