this might be the problem, indeed. Never update a demo version with an registered one when the versions does not match exactly.
i am aware of some problems with safair when using the backstage area, i will try to reproduce this bug today and come up with an solution. Until now you will probably have to use mozilla or similar (AFAIR camino)
There appears to be a bug with the “favourites” boxes for browsing for songs. If I hold the pointer it shows the exact path, but when I click it goes somewhere else, like:
On “1” I have “d:/audiosw/renoise/songs”. If I click and it goes just to d:.
I have 3 favourites boxes, one of them (“2”) works fine, “1” and “3” no.
This happens just with 1.5.1.
I uninstalled the 1.5 and it’s the same.
thx for the update. will check it out later.
i just submitted my vote. i really hope rewire slave would be implemented.
like yoki said. it would be sufficient for e.g. making remixes without to have to play the the song form the beginning where the accapela starts all the time.
One funny thing I noticed: If the fav. dir is on my flash disk (H:) it works fine. If it’s on C: or D: however, it just goes to the root folder (C: instead of C:/programs/…).
hi! i trashed the prefs but renoise still crashes same way. the demo is running fine.
the startup crash occures since i installed the registered version
I have the exact same problem. I am running Tiger 10.4.2 on a G5 iMac. The demo works fine but when I upgrade it, it won’t start. All my prefs and whatever else (CMD-F → “Renoise”) were trashed before installing the demo.
Startup: in gMain()
CoreAudio: ======== device enumeration: 1 of 1 ========
CoreAudio: --- Device information ---
CoreAudio: Driver name: Apple: Built-in Audio
CoreAudio: SampleRate: 44100.000000
CoreAudio: mFormatID: 'lpcm'
CoreAudio: Flags: 0x B
CoreAudio: Bytes per packet: 8
CoreAudio: Frames per packet: 1
CoreAudio: Bytes per frame: 8
CoreAudio: Channels per frame: 2
CoreAudio: Bits per channel: 32
CoreAudio: Device audio buffers:
CoreAudio: Number of buffers: 1
CoreAudio: -- Buffer 0 --
CoreAudio: Number of channels: 2
CoreAudio: Size in bytes: 4096
CoreAudio: Total number of channels: 2
Player: Constructing
Player: Initializing statics
Player: Initializing subcomponents
Player: Attaching to the document
Player: Constructing finished
GUI: Constructing the mainframeview
GUI: Constructing all subviews
MainLoop: Caught an unhandled exception in the GUI
we should move all of these posts about the problem with osx to the help or bug section. so when taktik comes back we can have a pool of info for him and the rest of the devs to sift through.
I had similar problems, the installer copies your 1.5 configuration file, or extract settings from it (you probably noticed a lot of your old settings like your plugin folder were still configured).
I had to really doubleclick the path i wanted to store in the preset and restore it into the preset to get it done.
Thanks vvoois, this seems to work. It’s not really the same, tho. The surrounding folders cannot be seen (not good for samples folders…).
I tried to copy the two .xml files, from 1.5, in the Application Data folder, but it didn’t work.
There’s another thing I noticed, GUI related: If you have the Knobshade and Bodyshade to 0, and you point the mouse over a pressed (enabled) button, it gets a “3D-pressed” form. This seems to be a bug, in 1.5 it didn’t work like that.
Well, I upgraded halfway through writing my first tune on Renoise, and all is going well. In fact, an LFO speed bug on render appears to have dissappeared! Good work! It starts a lot faster, and loads songs a little quicker too. No crashes yet! Will post my track soon.
I don’t know if it’s just me, but I have way too many points. 80 is way too much.
Most people probably just want to vote for a few things.
It would also be great if there was a “I really hope this feature will not be implemented” option in the voting, even though it would cost 8 points"
Maybe the points should be fewer or more options to vote on.
For instance, the pattern aranger vote… I REALLY WANT to vote for a better pattern aranger, but I do not want it to be like the one in the pattern aranger thread, simply make the current one easier to handle. Actually I would give that aranger -8 points if I could.
Not just because I wouldn’t like that feature, but implementing it (and others I don’t want) would mean that more time is taken from the renoise team to develop something very few people really want.
I think there should be a “Other” or “I don’t want any of this” option.
i tried out the “ghost notes” feature yesterday on my pc using the full version of renoise and was unable to get it to work.following the instructions in the realease notes cause the instrument envelope to be retriggered as usual.
Maybe a stupid question but did you select a sample and assign a envelope to it? Like volume? I was under the impression that it would slide to that note at first so it had no effect ofcourse than just plain retriggering of the sample…