*** Renoise 1.5 alpha 4 is released!
Tonight we have released yet another alpha version of Renoise 1.5.
Renoise 1.5a4 has many more bugfixes, and some performance improvements.
*** We need your help!
The testing procedure is the same as always, read about it here
if you haven’t done so already. But even if there are several obvious
bugs left, we’re getting to a semi-stable state where most bugs happen
only on rare occasions. This makes it more difficult to find and hunt
down those little bastards. That’s why we need your help more than ever
to make Renoise 1.5 as stable as possible.
*** So how can you help?
You don’t need to be a programmer to help us fix the, you just need to
test the program on your computer and tell us as much about the problems
you encounter as you can. A good bugreport tells us:
Exact steps to make the bug happen again. If these are good, and we
can see the bug with the same steps on our machines, it is usually
easy to fix. If we can’t spot the bug, it might depend on the system
configuration. -
Your system configuration. In particular Windows or MacOS version,
processor type, soundcard, driver type you use (ASIO or DX) and video card
can be important. -
If it is a crash, include the logfiles you find in the Renoise program
directory. These are called “Log.txt” and “Crashlog.txt”.
*** Help by tracking down when the bug is happening.
Try to report the circumstances of the bugs and the bug itself as
precise as possible. Some bugs might only happen in complex songs, so
the first thing that you should do before reporting the issue, is trying
to make it reproduceable in a clean environment. “Clean environment”
means: Restart Renoise, and then do the things that you did the last time
when the bug occoured. If you can’t reproduce it in this clean environment,
try it again in with the song that you worked with as the bug occured, and
try if it is reproduceable with this song. If its only reproducable with
this specific song (or another filetype), upload it to somewhere and post
a link in you report or send it via mail to bug@renoise.com.
*** Help us reproducing already reported bugs.
In addition to finding and reporting any new bugs you can find, we need
help to reproduce some already reported bugs. The forum section marked
[???] is full of reported bugs we have not been able to reproduce.
Let us know if you can or can not reproduce these bugs, and if possible
fill in with more detailed steps to produce. In these cases it’s particularly
important to know your system configuration. This way we may know if the
bug depends on the system configuration or not, and will help to find out
the root of the problem.
*** Re-test already reported bugs.
And finally, please let us know if a bug that is not yet marked as fixed does
no longer happen with the new build, so that we could pin and remove it.
A big thanks to you all from the Renoise team for the great testing you’ve done
so far, and continue on the great job!