Renoise 1.9 Beta Testing Starts

I almost cried when I saw you can turn off interpolation for specific samples… I’ve been aching for that for such a long time! This is going to make some of my restorations kick up a few gears…

So it looks like I was heeded when I’ve pushed for better effects (along with many others I’m sure). Will have to do some thorough testing to put them through their paces, but it’s already sounding wonderful!

Again, many many thanks to Taktik and the dev team. We’ll try an honor this as much as we can by testing it every way possible :)

  • Added beat, 09 effect, ms and sample rulers to the sample editor. You can
    also auto-snap the selection to those segments now.

Oh god YES!

I have not tried this yet, but if works like I think it will, I am going to be in heaven.

I am actually thinking about upgrading my Laptop to a nice Multi-core monster now that Renoise makes use of it!

astounishing! well chosen updates.

Thanks for all the comments! Its really fun to develop something like this when you constantly get such kind of feedback. And I feared that the implanted features would disappoint many people…

Now lets squish out the remaining problems and continue with the next round of features and improvements!

heh… could have we been so retard to give such a great feature for free? of course we will sell “Renoise Teh Professional AmenBreak Slicer Edition” for $200(*)

(*) excl. VAT, works only with RenoiseLock, the hardware key which can be bought for only $400 at our store)

Zomgs, niiice~

As Terratec Aureon 7.1 ASIO sometimes works and sometimes not and as ASIO4ALL produces cracking sound on my machine I tried something. I am using directsound now and switched the latency to 5 ms. This works like a charm on 1.9.

The new DSPs are really great. Especially the distortion is really kewl and the compressor finally works like a real compressor. I am even thinking of uninstalling some of my dsp-vsts because I simply do not need them anymore.

I had some issues with 1.9 but I guess this is the ASIO-driver-fault… The soundcard does not work with Cubase either.

Considering the CPU-usage I am really blown away that this 1.9-baby still does not exceed my limits…

Great work. If I ever see you taktik, I will spend you a beer.

WOW! Dear GOD!

Somehow happens that i’ve miss this great news for a few days :(
There are no notification was send to me on reg.user email…
Is it normal ? Or other users got it, and only i miss ?

Start testing immediately!

email notification usually is delayed of some days in order to avoid the worst case in which the beta suffers a critical bug which prevents the application from working correctly.

we firstly get the first impressions from the regular forum users then, if everything goes well, alert every registered user via mail.

First of all, my god boys, do you know what you’re doing here? Trackers shouldn’t have this kind of muscle ;) And they definitely shouldn’t look this sexy. I said it before and i’ll say it again, i owe everyone that did any significant work on this tracker a drink. To date, that leaves your current score at 7 drinks each. Ow my wallet.

Quick rundown:

  • Distortion2. Fold distortion. Thank you. No more 5-6 device chains to get this effect.

  • Velocitydevice. What is this you say, instruments can somehow COMMUNICATE with the device chain now? I don’t think people realize how freaking powerful this is.

  • Adjustable EQs = second coming of christ

  • Bus compressor is super sexy

  • Multicore support… I don’t think i need to say more about that.

  • LFODevice changes = all spectacular. The LPC change in particular is going to make a lot more people use it, and custom waves means we can actually use it with a gainer as sort of a trigger gate now. Sexy sexy.

  • Device presets = gold, and a really good tool for teaching new users how effects work. A suggestion is preset effect chains as well. Again, for educational purposes, and also as an alternative to saving out chains to file.

A couple negative spots though:

  • Gate2 sidechaining = big wtf from me. I have no idea what i’d ever use this for, or anyone for that matter. I’d vote for… NOT calling it sidechaining. It’s going to confuse a lot of users from other “sidechain-enabled” software, and frankly it makes Renoise look bad. I’m just going to throw that out there.
    Semantic change then. Please? :)

  • ASIO issues. My M-Audio Firewire410 ASIO recording still fails miserably under Renoise, working admirably under Ableton. Renoise log shows ASIO device being reinitialized repeatedly.

Still though! Super excellent work. I’m going to try forcing some tunes out of it the coming weeks before my berlin show. Nice to have some new artillery ;)

Aszazin after having seen Renoise 1.9:

Changed that to the “Input Filters” in the changelog now…

Lets try to find out why this happens:

I don’t know the technicalities of how ASIO works, or how it’s initialized, so it’s hard for me to take a stand on what’s at fault. I know i had the problem with bugged recording in Ableton until i did a driver update. The problem is gone from Ableton now, but persists in Renoise, limiting me to DirectSound (which is bearable by all means, just not ASIO bearable ;)

I’d like to see some recommended hardware specs for Renoise actually, especially in terms of ASIO sound cards that are tried and tested. I think it might help people like me from making bad choices in the future :)


I’d just like to say that the Renoise Devs rock! The addition of the Chorus, while a small feature, means a lot to me and my workflow. Great stuff! :)

So many other new features I haven’t had a chance to try yet, but I’ll let you know if I manage to crash it. So far the beta works fine on my XP x64 dual core system.

So glad I stumbled across this program. Renoise Rules!!




P.S. When are you going to find a company that ships Renoise T-Shirts to Australia???

I used to have problems with my FW410 in some max/msp patches and Ableton with random dropouts and other weird stuff. Turns out the internal firewire port on my laptop is crap, getting a new firewire pc-card solved it.

I’m with you there, I’m looking for a soundcard with M-Audio 410s specs as I need multiple outs and ins in ASIO, and quite soon too for a live gig with surround sound. Was THAT close to buying 410, but if the issues with that card can’t be resolved overnight (like I presume it can’t due to lack of multiple users + general trouble with that card perhaps?) I will have to look elsewhere. Have heard great things about Edirol’s cards, anybody here have an external Edirol card somewhat like the 410 tested in 1.9?

Interesting! This is a fairly new laptop though, would that have anything to do with it?
I’m totally green with firewire and how it works.

Do you have any recommendations for the firewire card? I’ll try anything right now

hm gabba… i like it the harder way - making speedcore + breakcore, gonna check the distortion!

Consider it checked:…ionNoMercy).mp3
