Renoise 2.1 Goes Gold

Wow, this version has almost every feature I’ve ever asked for or secretly wished for.

I’m interested, can I play multiple patterns live at the same time?
Can I control what patterns are playing via my external controller?

Congratulations to all the dev’s and users team !
Rewire support is a big leap forward. Especially for users asking this for years ;)
I also hope it will help bring more new users to Renoise platform. And i believe at last now dev’s hands free to deeply implement all of v2 engine new abilities.


What else can I say. I love Renoise :)

Congratz to all and a million thanks to devs. 2.1 is adorable. :)


Thats what days at work are for :P

you just made the perfect software even more then perfect…
Thank you developers for creating this heart touching program!
Thank you for the hard work!

Great …
thanks, awesome developers team :guitar:

Much respect and congratulations to Hunz for the excellent demo song “Soon Soon.”

some of the words brought a bit of tears to my eyes…
“I am seeing life
Beating up on me
I want it to stop
someone help me, please.”

“this style is not my choice
I’m a product of you”

i feel those words…

well composed and well sung. Excellent work!


insanely good release! thank you taktik, dev team and testers. what a phenomenal job you are all doing!



Congrats again Renoise Team! :D Time for some slashdot exposure methinks…

There’s no excuse for lightbomb to use anything other than Renoise now for live remixing ;)

:dribble: T H A N K S ! ! ! ! ! ! ! :dribble:

The Renoise Team ROCKS!!! :drummer: :guitar: :yeah:

Cheers and we look forward to your Forum Favourites selections! :guitar:

pret auto

A big big THANKS to the dev team, I’ve been waiting so long for JACK Transport, that’s so awesome, thanks again and keep up the good work !

just great! B)

congrats on the release. i can’t imagine using any other software for music composition.

Whoa, I already knew that the Czech could travel through time, but they can use future Renoise versions too? Awesome!