Renoise 2.5 Beta Testing Starts

Dearest Devs,
You are going to make a lot of new well-earned friends with this release. Renoise is seriously getting competitively useful.

And OSC and extensions are coming soon?! (hyperventilation)

Would love to know what the scripting language will be. Is it too much to hope for Ruby? :slight_smile:

Awesome update! Can’t wait to start testing :dribble:

shitfuck this owns! new license bought :)

Until 2.6, all we can say right now is that it’s not

Neither JavaScript nor AutoIT3 and neither VBScript

Why am I the only one who cheers about the signal follower metadevice in this topic?

Many topics were opened with people begging for sidechain compression/ducking. Now it’s finaly here, and nobody mentions it?

I guess the pile of new features is really to large this time :)

You just don’t see the trees through the forest. :huh:

Yeah nobody mentions it… this is just the first two pages…

I’m shocked, don’t know where to begin. Best gift in this period!

Edit: OMG the STUTTER!!! Just what I missed! :drummer:

"- OSC support, create interactive MIDI controller scripts.

For example: control Renoise with a Monome, Mackie Control and so on,
without having to manually “map” the controller. Just plug in the
controller and you’re ready to go."

I have no idea what it will take to make this happen but it makes me very happy. I just started ordering the parts for a 64 last week after years of excuses. So awesome.

2.5 is also faster, more precise and compatible with VST instruments, has cross-track routing, Signal Follower, GUI redesign and much more…

if you don’t find any of these new features useful, I doubt you make any music at all with Renoise :rolleyes:

I’m a music maker, and renoise 2.5 was my idea.

I’m so sorry, I read the topic yesterday evening late, I scanned this topic for the word ‘sidechaining’ because I wanted to know if that was possible.

Scuse mi.

just realised I’ve been using renoise since 1.2 - upgraded instantly. A work of art, an utter masterpiece!
Christmas has arrived early this year.

Yes indeed, there should be more native granular effects such as this one - imo. I’m really bad in melody-alike stuff, and this Stutter (most granular effects) can make silly shit sound more ‘complex’ - gotta dig that. That’s also the only thing I ever use dblue’s glitch for, to put on a fantastically gay melody/bass/synth and turn something awesome out of it using only the gater and the shuffler. :P

Drums I like to glitch/break more ‘by hand’. Though putting the Stutter on your cymbals, snares or even bass drums can make a very interesting sound out of them, a little unpredictable most of the time - but still really cool.

man…this is totally head exploding. I wish I had more time to play but looks like I might not be able to until Tuesday :P
Pattern Matrix rules though! NICE work. only gripe about it so far is that I tried to do a FBxx pattern break command and muting the track doesn’t bypass it. not a big deal, but it would be super cool to be able to change pattern length that way.

Try toggling with the Mute Mode.

Options → Mute (silent audio signals) or Off (don’t trigger notes/events)

edit: Hmm FBxx, I see what you mean by muting not bypassing it

Just did a testdrive. Wow that signal follower is awesome! You can make such snappy results with it, perfect!

I love the pattern matrix. I always wanted something like this. And different colours for tracks.
Thanks guys!

Three questions:

  1. I find it a bit anoying with the new torn-loose sample recorder. I have to press “start” in the dialog, then focus the main window before space will start the playback. Am I missing something here?

  2. I tried mapping the buttons of my BCR2000 to mute, works great. However, is there a way reverse the direction? Right now the light is on on my BCR when the channel is muted, which doesn’t seem logical to me. I tried pulling the min/max sliders (had hoped reversing their default positions, would do the trick), but they are greyed out :wacko:

  3. Where should I infact post such questions regarding 2.5? :)


thanxs GODS!!!
