Renoise 2.5 Beta Testing Starts


We can of course not make everyone happy, solve everyones most important feature wishes with one single update. And we never claimed we can.

If Renoise is not (or right now) not for you, and you love Aodix workflow so much, why don’t you put this energy into creating a Aodix clone or start writing your own, instead of fighting here at the Renoise forums?

If you can not or don’t want to create/do this by your own, then you could at least try to convince some people to do so, help you, go your path? Start a new software for example.

Its diversity that lets the world evolve. Renoise is one software of many. If it does not do what you want, I think then its simply not for you?

Where did they say that? You’re dreaming, right? Where was something like that promised for the “next version”? Nowhere.

Dude, you know yourself that everybody knows that the routing you mention isn’t possible yet. Nobody is pretending otherwise.

Since renoise 2.0 vst effects can receive midi input ( unfortunately a bug in 2.5 disables this …)
Then to answer you question …how to route 2 audisignals to an effect ( for example prosoniq morph …) which takes 2 audiosignals panned hard left and right …
Create 2 trackes …panned left and right in the premixer …assign a send effect to the two tracks …route them to the send destination et voila …
WIth the new routing abilities renoise is almost a modular host …only thing that is missing is midirouting ( need it )

The brief flaming earlier was amusing…
Lets put it aside as it is Christmas time :w00t:

I registered with version 2.1 particularly due to rewire giving me the ability to route things however i like within ‘Reaper’.
The price for these 2 programs amounts to less than any of the ‘Pro DAWs’ i can think of - and none of these Pro DAWs have the speedy workflow that renoise and reaper have. (i really don’t consider cubase or logic to be ‘pro’ anyway… and who really wants a homogenized method for making music anyway?
ableton schermableton…)

Renoise wired into Reaper is totally awesome - before this was possible i was never totally happy working entirely within the computer. I bought Cubase - it was full of bugs, wouldn’t work without a large download patch, has processor intensive dongle security…
Great ! i pity the suffering of the Pros.

I’m happy that a speedy workflow may have some compromises with features and functions.
I’d sooner finish a song than use a done to death vocoder effect.

Can you stutter a sample in cubase or logic with a simple effect command?
Nope… not that im aware of.

However - if more complex routing is ever going to be implemented in renoise - the routing matrix in Reaper is perhaps a good method to take inspiration from.

To look at the value for money Renoise gives - it does anything an Akai MPC series does and better.
(and the MPC is a peice of kit that can really be considered to be a defining standard - and that is full of bugs too).

Good work with this new (beta) release !

This is your routing 1.2.3. for MDA vocoder:

1- Modulating signal (VSTI) on track 01
2- Pan track 01 completely to the left
3- Send-device on track 01 pointing to S01 (Mute source)

4- Vocals on Track 02
5- Pan track 02 completely to the right
6- Send-device on track 02 pointing to S01 (Mute source)

7- Put MDA talkbox on track S01

If it doesn’t work nicely, swap the panning settings between track 01 and track 02

You can do all the routing you want, they are just being done differently in Renoise than in other DAW’s.
If you have a problem with adapting, then Renoise won’t be the only software you will have a problem with. Just relax and start somewhere and try to follow the advises → if it takes up too much time to get the hang of it or you just simply don’t like that workflow, then Renoise is not for you.
We try to make the software as easy as possible and the community is there for support.

Hey, start your own thread in the off-topic section! You behave like a spoiled brat and your negative attitude is inappropriate in this thread, where people are happy and celebrate. See it this way: You have got 6-7 years to arrange (no pun intended) solutions to your special needs.


No need to apologize. Just read my signature more often… Or even better: print it and hang it on your walls. ;)

You’re missing the point. It’s not about effects that take “2 audiosignals panned hard left and right”, but simply effects with more than one input/output. Renoise does not support that. Not to derail, but let’s at least not confuse stuff even more here…

OOOPS… maybe I’m wrong, maybe that’s not what he was talking about… however, there are vocoders and other fx that can’t be used with Renoise, because of what I mentioned.

sry taktik it isn’t against renoise or you ,it is against people say to me ,all feature i have talking about is now in renoise
i m not coder, i juste say what i think about lye of it-alien
i love aodix and i use it a lot like renoise ,the problem isn’t that ,the same think with all other sequencer ,i use reaper,live etc…
i’m not sector ,software are only tools for me
i dont want to convince any people , it isn’t my job and i don’t care about this ,if aodix go to be shit because new soft better in send it in my trash ,you now what i m say,
only lyes ,i hate
juste that , renoiser stay renoiser (i m renoiser too, from start of this soft (before to with noisetrekker)
juste see this picture to understand me

these 7 years in the forums showed that I seem to have a problem talking with people who make gabber music.

and look, now I am a liar also! (Or, what’s even worse, a lyer)

man, I have no problem in telling you that a feature is not available in Renoise; I have done this lots of time since 2002, and I have also said it recently, even if I knew that some features were already implmented in Renoise 2.5, but since I could not speak about features which have not been released, I replied “sorry, this is not possible in Renoise 2.1” or similar replies.

maybe it’s just a problem I have with the way you write, but what you ask for, at least the way I have understood it, is almost completey doable in Renoise 2.5. Not everything, but almost everything. Let me not spend any more word with you, and let the people who have the will and patience to help you do so, but please don’t call my a liar because I’m not; take your overreacting hormons with you and be polite.

thx for you reply
but i make music not mathematic

pig eat all you give to eat sry i don’t eat shit like more …(this one too)

Don’t feed the trolls.

If you don’t reply, it’s all good. Some people are just sociopaths. You can’t help them.

Again: Thank you Taktik, kRAkEn/gORe, and Team Alpha for all your hard work. It is appreciated.

just load this example to understand too


this is all about routing, not mathematic…

some people just need to quit drugs, if they are still in time

It’s pretty clear that anyone that mentions “speed” while complaining about Renoise’s lack of features isn’t trying very hard to understand the tool as it is today, since Speed hasn’t existed since 2.0.

There isn’t any one tool that will solve every problem. Renoise solves a huge number of musical problems that are not easily solved by any other tool. I sometimes need to print out sheet music, and Renoise doesn’t have a score editor. RENOISE SUCKS BECAUSE IT CANNOT PRINT SHEET MUSIC. Wait - no it doesn’t. I have Sibelius for printing scores. Renoise rules because a bunch of operations that are really, really tedious work in other sequencers are a snap in Renoise.

i love you all lol
not you it-alien (liar if you like that)
people have always right like you ,make war, like bush or benladen (shit people)
drug user and sociopath ( me i now that ,is start of better heal ting)
OMG ^^
and sry for the people i have offense
and i love renoise and all other soft and 1er the muisc
bye bye cu :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :yeah:

Well put.

I don’t know about the technical specifications for the planned 2.6. release, but if it just can handle in/out operations (such as reading and writing content of text/xml files) – that alone will enable us to create sheet music printers, auto-composing tools, clips handlers and lots of cool stuff.

Again, absolutely brilliant! I am extremely impressed by this very wise move. It’s definitely a move in the right direction.

My only “problem” now is that since I don’t know which scripting language(s) the devs have chosen (assuming they haven’t invented a new one), I can’t dive into it right away and learn stuff during the holidays when I have the time for it. I can’t be “a step ahead”, so to speak. But I can make ready the concept designs for the stuff I’d like to create for Renoise. Let’s hope that this particular information soon will be available for us who take this scripting stuff very seriously.

(Devs: Or you could just PM me that information. I won’t tell anybody if you want to keep it secret for some reason. Seriously.)

Look carefully
undoubtedly, in many posts there
are hints as to what the language is.

Legend has it that 2.5 might even be scriptable. I mean when Taktik says “working on integrating a scripting language into Renoise, actually already some of the new features in Renoise 2.5 are built with it” kind of opens the door to the easter bunny…

But what do I know?


Well last time I checked back in 2005 you could use the mda talkbox.

[b]Here is from dBlue.

Ah, well, not sure if you know this or not, but there’s a trick to using most vocoder plugins within Renoise as they won’t just work by themselves.

What you need to do is…

  • Track00 should be panned hard right via the TrackDSP’s tab.

  • Track01 should be panned hard left.

  • In both Track00 and Track01, add a MetaDevices > SendDevice.

  • In the send track S00 (or wherever the previous SendDevice’s are pointing to) you add the MDA:Talkbox effect.

Now, Track00 is used for your carrier (a nice fat synth or pad sound), Track01 is used for your modulator (vocals or drumloop or whatever).

You will not be able to hear the effects initially while you are entering your notes, so just do something simple at first like triggering a single note on the synth and your vocal sample.

Press play in Renoise and enjoy the results[/b]

It took me 1sec to find:

Googled Renoise mda talkbox.

Oh, btw here is an old test on sound quality.

Dude really, just because YOU can’t get good sounding results doesn’t mean the audio engine is shit! Maybe you need to use and learn the program first before you spread this nonsense.

I had laying an old idea somewhere, i have rerecorded it with Renoise 2.5 today:
