► Renoise 2.6 Goes Gold

Registered users can download Renoise 2.6 final builds at the Renoise Backstage.
Demos are available at the Renoise Download page.

The beta & Scripting API Q/A and announcement forums will be merged into the regular forums now. Lets please continue brainstorming, testing and finetuning the Scripting API there. If needed, we’ll continue to release small maintenance updates during the next months in order to finetune the API.

Have fun with the new release. We will in the meanwhile work on the next 2.x release: very likely to be not that geeky ;)

well done! I will get it on stage the 12th! great work!

:yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:

Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!! :D

(goodbye nag screen!!)

OMG NOW THATS EXCITING!!! :walkman: :panic: :panic: :w00t: :yeah: :dribble: :guitar: :drummer: :walkman:

Nice one team, well done! B)

I’d retweet that.

Do it! http://twitter.com/#!/renoise/status/414822097231872

Another great release!!

Bump for greatness.

nag screen, come back soon :)

thanks to the whole renoise team for the amazing work :yeah:


Thanxs for your great work…



Epic well done to all the devs, as well as everyone who make some pretty inspirational scripts in such as short amount of time. Time for a new paradigm!

Congratulations to the world for existing!


congrats for another important build ;)
i hate nag screens. not Nagz :)
i love Nagz !

great stuff, keep going!

This is an awesome release. Thanks to all the devs! Keep up your great work!