► Renoise 2.7 Beta Announcement

also how do you transpose all splits in 2.7

Just when I think Renoise can’t get any better, you go ahead and fix the one thing that still bugged me (automation resolution)!

Damn, you guys are annoying, soon I will have nothing to complain about! :smiley:

Try the Drumkit options (top right) in the Sample Keyzones.

2 Months? This arrived under a week before my final exams :D I’m ruined!

That’s one of the many suggestions, currently this possibility to drag/replace all selected zones is a lack.
The samples itself can be transposed one or more semitones by batch selecting them in the list and then simply alter the transpose slider.

I miss the option, when you could resample the original sample in the way it was sliced, so it’s not just some kind of meta slice, but a regular
instrument like it was in previous versions, then you could apply transpositions the same way you coudl before with ±1 and ±12 buttons
unless i missed something is it still there ?

good enough for me, that works

There should be some sort of a different thread for when you’re actually ready to sing 2.7’s praises after having , at first, gone off about how great it is.
4 midi devices sending mididata to instruments which have been mapped to 4 tracks - getting those notes recorded with the single touch of a Record toggle is beyond amazing. I’m shocked.
I mean, if this works, what’s next!?

Typical! I go away for a few months and everything changes! The speed of the dev team is pretty high.

Update looks very good, I’ll have a look shortly.

From the release notes page in ‘other tweaks’:

can really feel the improvement browsing my folders and wonder how this was solved? :) I have been harping about diskop sluggishness for a few Renoise versions so think it is great to have this snappier behavior clicking through folders.

So much awesome stuff in this new release, wow ! Huge thanks ! The “stereo viewer” is a big implementation to me, it works very nice, but I even have an idea to upgrade it :

–> Could it be possible to associate the track color to the color of the corresponding graph ? That would help in the master track according to me ! It can also be done for the frequencies spectrum. Please look there if you don’ t see what I mean : StereoScope Multi ; FreqAnalyst Multi

My last request would be to be able to make the LFO going under 1 Line Per Beat, and I really think I would have everything I need in Renoise :)

And I didn’ t even say a word about the multi-send device ? And the new automation ? Shame on me

still processing this release, so much goodness! goodbye voxengo recorder on master, hello realtime rendering!

multisample instruments! i’m going to rip out a load of multi samples and start creating some…

Big thnx to the dev. team here! This rate Ill be having to buy a new lisence before I even know it. And will be every bit work the dollar spent. Very impressed with the product since day1 and keep being amazed even more.

Just experienced the new automation in all its awesomeness. It’s absolutely briljant to be able to edit more patterns at once (and the transition animation-slide-thingy is pretty neat too)

I like this version… BUT… Will I be able to use my beloved Rubber-band and scale finder tools in the final version!? Doesn’t work in Beta???

TY Just what I needed to hear/see!

Renoise is all about sound. Thus, I declare that the forums will now be completely sound-based.