► Renoise 2.8 Beta Testing Starts ◀

here it was more something like “whaaaaaaa?”

1/3 Octave spectrum with slope control :dribble: fantastic update!!


from berlin with love B)

DAAAMN!!! gonna get into this right away! looks super wicked!

don’t understand much of the update system : we sometime have minor update with hube digit change and this time the update is so big … it could have been without any problem renoise 3.0 (and i would have paid the update without any problem for sure)
all the real problem of renoise for me have now been adressed. there is no more problem except perhaps the audio track but for most of the time i’ve learned to work with cutted loop of big audio track. the sampler could perhaps have a fews more function but all the major stuff are now there (don’t need external sampler anymore )
the pattern matrix is now really cool and will save lot’s of time
how can i say it


renoise is now officaly perfect

this is so cool

u-huh! me too

my brain is stu-stu-stuter.r.r.i.n.n.nnnnnnnnnnng

my eyes are grouped and collapsed with rainbow background colors !

my left hand is automated with my right leg !

my mouth speaks words that the others hear in infinite echoes !

my 3 last sentences are graphically mixed to control the beat of my heart !

I’m abducted and communicate on a spectral level with other spectral levels !

my neural impulses follow a completely new internal grammar !

the size of my … :panic: … is multiplied by 2 and it goes twice faster !

i’m eagerly looking forward to the full 2.8 release



srsly, wtf!

this is more than I expected for 3.0.

renoise team, I love you.

Well, i guess the next update can then wait for a few years again.
Frankly the dev team had the idea not much was done really only just the workflow updates and the 64-bit edition and a few new tools.
The list of changes is quite large, but in regards to real visual changes, the major changes are subtile.

Superb update! I’m really gonna enjoy working in this baby! Just yesterday I was reflecting on how slow it takes to load long samples, and now you’ve fixed exactly that! :) The video presented the new additions really well, cheers for that. Sample editor finally improved, master spectrum as well, and so much else. Will be interesting to really grasp the new functionality in the block editor - it seems you can copy stuff much easier now that took more manual work before. Love it!

OMG !!

track grouping is a dream come true

Thank you so much :-)))


wow this looks amazing, thanks to the whole renoise team for all the fantastic work
damn i love xmas :D

Looks great, as always.

fantastic release - thank you very much. and its just a 0.x release.

i have to test it today.


OMG :panic: This is SOOOOOOOOOO AWSOME :panic: THNX Renoise Team !

Haha, I was sitting on the couch with a homie (girl) when I saw the update. I was almost screaming ‘holyshit!holyshit!holyshit!’ the entire time. Then I clicked the youtube movie on which she said ‘wake me up when it’s done yeah?’ on which I said ‘don’t you know what this means?! holy shit 64-bit support?! whaaaaaaaaa- grouped tracks?!!! NO WAY, NO WAY!’, but then she was already ignoring me and trying to sleep :lol: