► Renoise 2.8 Beta Testing Starts ◀


best music software ever. thank you so much Renoise team.

Thanks a lot for a superb update. The group feature is better than I would have imagined!

The new devices will take some time to master, keeping everyone busy from posting feature requests for a while :)

Using the easter egg ( Easter Egg In Renoise ) and turning off the phase thingy in the toggle brings a whole new dimension to all the new metering visuals!

The Predators are happy with the new spectrogram. Taking time off the hunt.

:]/ , super sexy, thank you all

00.1: !!!

I’m having trouble wrapping my head around the aliasing system. Could we get some more info on this?

64-bits for Windows! Thank you. I’ve been waiting for this for so long. I hope it’s gonna work well on Vista. I will try it as soon as I finish my current project (I don’t like to mess around with my environment while mid-project - some bad experience from the past).


Taktik & Alpha Team

I’ve had a good play with this beast, and I’m super impressed. I’ll get into some specific feedbacks in the other forums, but what I’d like to add here is that the whole look of the GUI is very nice. Those subtle slides when scrolling horizontally are especially nice. :)

Insane release. Just fantastic.

You just won the game. And nobody wins the game.

although I am part of the team, viewing today the introductional video for the first time has made me excited too :)


I just want to say a big WOOOOOW !
Really useful improvements i’ve been dreaming about most of them for a long time.
Great job guys! Keep going. Long live RENOISE KING! )))

I moved to all-64bit, but I missed my linuxdsp vst plugins… but now I can use them again… yay! Probably not the most spectacular upgrade feature, but it’s good for me!

Renoise 2.8 - It comes out while you’re watching Red Snapper play live!

Looks fantastic :yeah:
Thank you Team!

thnx thnx

put a smile on my face! :) THANK YOU!

After the first shock, here are my very first (a bit more) rational reactions :

  • the GUI is much better, visually and technically, there are some subtle but very usefull changes. Using the scrollbars of the pattern will now make the pattern editor move in a more precise and natural way. Renoise 's now auto-centering the track/group names, the color picker is more complete, and OMFG changing the track’s background color is just WHAT I ASKED in the “IDEAS and SUGGESTIONS” forum ! Labelling sections of songs in the pattern matrix, will allow me more comments when releasing my .xrns tracks. The “show track colors in scopes” checkbox in the Preferences, isn’t clear one should say 'show “BACKGROUND” track color in scopes ! - just kidding.

  • Working with “stereo samples” in the sample editor will now be more natural, no need to rely anymore on any external editor.

  • No audio device crash (well for now), I just had to click on the “reinitialise” button in the preferences during the first launch, and now, everything works flawlessly.

  • hey the new pattern commands have more coherent letters and will be more easy to learn for newbies (unfortunately I’ll need to forget the old ones ha ha ha…). And I didn’t remember how many times we asked the “Set Enveloppe Position”, thank god, now it’s here, I even didn’t expected it anymore.

  • I don’t get exactly how I’ll use the re-re-re-repeater, but I have the intuition that it’ll probably be in an insane way

  • I can create crazy groups… into other crazy groups… By this way my future mix setups will even more rationnaly and efficiently organized, but most of all, using pattern commands like tremolo, retrigger, on groups or directly on the master channel gives me some more or less crazy musical ideas

  • I quickly populate copies of patterns in my matrix with just a few ctrl and clicks, everything will be faster, and I’ll be able to handle shorter deadlines

  • The phase meter is finally usable. BTW when I consider improvements of the master spectrum, I think I’ll have chances to drop my Bluecat suite of tools, since I can natively check and compare my colored curves without using any VST… The linear frequency scaling allow me to read differently some parts of the spectral activity I can’t usually check properly, and the new polychrome spectrogram is like a rainbow !

  • I find that using a synced HP filtered multitap gives better results than the old delay DSP and reduces the complexity of my related chains

  • The multiband send is proposing more models : the LR2 model still contains the “shift & phase inversion bug” in the mid/band signal (probably for backward compatability reasons), but anyway hopefully the new other LR models don’t produce this interesting side effect : my parallel multiband compression monster mechnanism will work even better, while the exciter will allow me to make my master track and overall final sound even more… exciting ha ha ha

  • the *metamixer will allow me to get rid of the (unstable) *formula device in most of the situations I had to use it

- I used to f…k flies with old envelopes editor in the LFO device or in the “instruments settings” tab… now the maximized EXTERNAL EDITOR just MADE MY DAY

  • Concerning plugins, I finally don’t have to search anymore in my hundreds of directories the path of my customized banks / presets. I’ve loaded the 64bits version of Renoise and scanned my hundreds of free 32bits VSTs/VSTi “slowly”, but only encountered 4 or 6 problems during this phase, and when I relaunched Renoise, the startup was faster than ever. I can see now 4CPUs and not only 2 in the multicore section, disk operations / access “seem” really faster now.

I didn’t tested everything extensively but for now it seems that it’s a great step forward in ease of use, precision, cohesion, compatibility. Hats off, I never expected to see that kind of changes and improvements when I acquired my cheap 1.9 license …

:yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: